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Customizing the Gallery

Carole Asselin
Go to solution Solved by Carole Asselin,

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I have seen tutorials on how to customize the look of a forum (colors, logo, etc.) but is it possible to do the same with the Gallery? I have not yet installed the forum as I currently have a bbPress one that my members are used to, but the Gallery would be a new feature on my site. I would like to have it somewhat close to the look of the rest of the site.

Where would that be done? 

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Carole, not much help here on that, but I am just curious, how are you relating the IP Gallery to your bbPress forums? Link, embedded, or? Just the logistics of your members posting in an IP Gallery whilst using bbPress for forums makes my head spin 🙂 Or is the IP gallery a static gallery that only you have access too and can upload images too?

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15 minutes ago, JohnCourt said:

how are you relating the IP Gallery to your bbPress forums?

Right now, my first step won't be to relate them together. The Gallery will just be a section of my site where members could upload their projects. The forum will continue to be where they post answers and I am hoping they can "hotlink" to what they have in the gallery (instead of uploading a second time). For now, I am just testing the gallery on a test site. Once I can figure out if there is a way to customize it so it looks at least similar to my site, I'll see.

And eventually, I might also migrate to the IP forum too.

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12 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

And eventually, I might also migrate to the IP forum too.

I was a little confused Carole, thanks for your answer, I was just thinking it seems like a lot of money to spend for a gallery, and have all that wonderful IPS software hanging out there being unused, my personal opinion, get your community converted to IPS, you'll go through some growing pains for a very short while, but the reality is, IPS is waaaay more intuitive for members to use, upload images, post topics, etc etc, I know as an administrator you have your own reasons for not doing just that, but it sure seems like it would confuse members to be using two different software, not that it's not done, but I see headaches in the future for you if you are going to start an IPS gallery for your bbPress members to add images too, then when you do go to convert your bbPress to IPS, it's going to be weird, I cannot pinpoint or give you examples of the weirdness and headaches you may experience, it's just my gut feeling that it may be a headache.

I do believe IPS has a wonderful conversion tool for transferring all your topics, posts, members and much more over to IPS. I came from a proprietary software named NING, they don't offer that conversion tool anymore, because it was a headache for IPS gurus, but even as hard as that conversion was, it was very successful.

Just my opinions, which are worth about a penny anywhere! 😄

Edited by JohnCourt
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@JohnCourtI am not using the hosted version, just the self-hosted, so it is almost just a small one-off purchase. For the migration, they have tools but only available with the hosted plan and not the cheapest. Someone quoted me a fee for the migration from bbpress to IP forum that is about equivalent to one month revenue of my whole membership. So, at this point, that is why I am not converting to the IP forum yet.

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27 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

@JohnCourtI am not using the hosted version, just the self-hosted, so it is almost just a small one-off purchase. For the migration, they have tools but only available with the hosted plan and not the cheapest. Someone quoted me a fee for the migration from bbpress to IP forum that is about equivalent to one month revenue of my whole membership. So, at this point, that is why I am not converting to the IP forum yet.

I am self hosted too Carole, and they migrated my content to my server. Hmmm, things may have changed then, that was back in 2014. I don't remember what I paid though, but ya I get it, funding these projects can be a challenge. Thanks again Carole, wished I had an answer to your original theme question for the gallery.

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16 hours ago, Carole Asselin said:

For the migration, they have tools but only available with the hosted plan and not the cheapest.

This is only true if you are looking for us to do it for you. If you are looking to do this using our converters yourself, you can use those on self hosted.


With regards getting the look of your community right, please take a look here


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6 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

If you are looking to do this using our converters yourself, you can use those on self hosted.

Oh, that is great! I guess I misunderstood what I received as information from support.

As for the look, I might be missing something but I only installed the Gallery so far, since I already have a forum (the gallery being a new feature for my member so I am starting there) and I cannot see Customization -> Appearance -> Themes. Is that only available with the FORUM install?

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