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Club Images/Gallery Albums

Go to solution Solved by TracyIsland,

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When you go to add an image to the Gallery, it will ask you if you want to create a new album (or if you have an album, place the image in an existing album). You will want to ensure that you allow your member groups to create albums as well 🙂 .

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6 hours ago, Jim M said:

When you go to add an image to the Gallery, it will ask you if you want to create a new album (or if you have an album, place the image in an existing album). You will want to ensure that you allow your member groups to create albums as well 🙂 .

Thank you for the response! And that does work in the overall Gallery, but within a Club, that option doesn't come up. It is shown in the options in the administrative panel under clubs as an option you can allow - attached. But when I go to add a photo, it never provides an option. Now I can add a second gallery within the club, but that then gets unwieldy as I would like multiple albums within a single gallery. The second photo shows the "Image" gallery that I added is now included in the menu.

Is it possible to have a single gallery in the Menu, with multiple albums under that gallery - similar to the main gallery? It seems the galleries in the main site are treated differently than in the clubs. But I could be missing where you can add an "album" to the "gallery" within a club even though the option is available under the club settings>gallery settings.



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On 8/13/2022 at 11:56 AM, TimeTexasChris said:

Thank you for the response! And that does work in the overall Gallery, but within a Club, that option doesn't come up. It is shown in the options in the administrative panel under clubs as an option you can allow - attached. But when I go to add a photo, it never provides an option. Now I can add a second gallery within the club, but that then gets unwieldy as I would like multiple albums within a single gallery. The second photo shows the "Image" gallery that I added is now included in the menu.

Is it possible to have a single gallery in the Menu, with multiple albums under that gallery - similar to the main gallery? It seems the galleries in the main site are treated differently than in the clubs. But I could be missing where you can add an "album" to the "gallery" within a club even though the option is available under the club settings>gallery settings.



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@TimeTexasChris Since I'm new to the 4.7 gallery, I have been trying all sorts of tests with the demo.  I have been following your topic to help me understand what constraints there might be for images in clubs.  I'm puzzled because in one club I created, I have two images without an album, then I created an album and added images, then I added another image to that album and then I created yet another album.  

Take a look: Images - XanderGrysen's Community (invisionservice.com) and you are welcome to register if you want to poke around - it's just a demo. 

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On 8/13/2022 at 11:56 AM, TimeTexasChris said:

Now I can add a second gallery within the club, but that then gets unwieldy as I would like multiple albums within a single gallery. The second photo shows the "Image" gallery that I added is now included in the menu.


6 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

That is not an option within clubs at the present time.

@Marc StridgenI'm using the demo and tried, I think, to do exactly what @TimeTexasChris described and I could do it.  What option am I missing that isn't available? See the club on our demo: Images - XanderGrysen's Community (invisionservice.com)

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@Marc StridgenNow I find what @TimeTexasChrisis talking about.  As an admin, why is it I can add images to an existing album but I can't do that as a regular member? I can't find the setting for that, or is there one?  Here are two printscreens from the same club, each clicking on 'add images' and one shows the options as admin and the other shows the options as just a member

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The demo is the only live instance.

My platform is on 3.3.4 and awaits upgrade.  I downloaded the demo to get an idea of the new capabilities of the gallery in particular since I will be migrating my external SSO-linked 4images gallery to the IPS gallery.  I also had an image link on my current platform for my version of Clubs, aka the third party plugin Social Groups.  

The demo was very revealing and has allowed me to plan how I will structure the new gallery and clubs but this issue of not being able to add images to existing albums as a regular member clubs seemed like either a setting was missing, a permission was missing, or it's an oversight by the developers.

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We cannot switch a trial back on after its free trial period unfortunately. What I can say is I cannot replicate the issue you are having locally, so it can only really be that of setup. If albums have to be used per your gallery setup, it does ask. All we can say at this point is to let us know if you see the same issue once live

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I think the biggest issue is consistency with the galleries. The main gallery easily allows you to set up albums.

When you go to gallery settings in Clubs and add a Gallery, it lets you select a box for "Allow Albums" but I don't see how to create albums within the administrator console nor does it give you the option when you add photos to the gallery.

Also, consistent tagging could allow member photos to be used in image panels on the main site and in the clubs to rotate through related photos. For instance, if they post a photo of a dessert, and there's a club devoted to desserts, it would automatically populate an image scroll in the dessert club.

People use social media to post photos. To get those people to start using a forum as opposed to social media, the best way is to make it easy and consistent to post photos. That eases the transition, and then you also have the discussion forums/clubs/etc. to keep them engaged.

So from the usability standpoint, I think the galleries could be better implemented so they are consistent across the site including clubs. I think the tools are almost already developed, just a matter of getting them working consistently across the forum.

I'd be interested in helping develop a strategy for better implementing photos within the forums, but I don't know if there's interest to do that. I will take a stab at laying out a photo management implementation tomorrow or Tuesday.

Thanks, I do appreciate the time.

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Thanks Marc. Here is the step by step showing the settings and the process of trying to insert a photo into the gallery. From what I can tell, there is never an option to create an album or add an album at any point in the process.


Here is the Club settings where it shows that albums are allowed in the image test gallery

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Here are the options under the Allow Albums option.

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Here is the club menu, showing the Images gallery where I go to insert the image.

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Here is the screen when you click to add an image.

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Here are the options after clicking on the image to edit details (2 images to show all options):

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This is after clicking + and adding an image.

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Here is the image inserted.

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Interesting but you forgot to include a screen capture of what pops up when you click on the 'add images' button inside a club.  You should get a pop up like what I have shown in the discussion earlier.  


Do you get that behavior?

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So I guess I didn't actually answer the question you posed Tracy. I don't get that behavior. In the main Gallery, I do get that option because I can set up albums there. But I don't know how to get albums set up in a Club I guess. It isn't in the Club-->Gallery Settings. That only lets you allow Albums, but doesn't provide anywhere to add albums. It doesn't appear to be in the Club-->Manage Club settings from what I can tell. I seem to be missing something somewhere.

I would be happy to do a zoom with someone and share my screen and we can walk through it. That may be easier.

Also, your site looks really great!

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So this may be the solution to this issue. After I went in as an admin, I found that the 'can create albums' setting was disabled for the administrator and the members groups in the ACP setting under the Members section and under Members - Groups. 

Once I enabled the setting, I was able to create an album in the clubs.

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