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FYI I'm also including Blog Entries as well. Taking some time to put in some management things - you can already wipe all the data and start over, but I'm adding in the ability to wipe any of the specific things individually (topic views, record views, etc.) and also sticking in the ability to wipe an individual member's views.

Submission should be today sometime...

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Submission will be tomorrow sometime (looks previous posts, laughs). I want to sleep on this before submitting and give Daniel and Stuart a break from any derpy things I may be doing in my sleep-deprived state.

Large picture: Some of the deeper management things I'm skipping for now - specifically, building out the member view in the ACP - that is still locked on displaying only Forum Topic member view data - though the button that will let you cull out a single member's views lives there (that's new to 2.0.0 - go to the member's page in the ACP, click the Viewers tab, and you can cull what you like there). Also the Pages and Blog stuff is entirely widget based - no modal popups yet. Blogs will be an easy add, but Pages... that might end up being me giving you a bit of template code you will need to insert. 

While poking this bear, I've come to the conclusion that the cached widgets really don't help all that much so I'm thinking about adding in some form of datastore caching specific to Viewers. 

I gave the GDPR member data export stuff a once over, tightened up some spots, and of course, it covers all the newly introduced stuff. Works well. A reminder as well that I do log out when stuff is getting messed with. On topic view mods have an option to wipe the viewer data for that topic - that gets logged to the moderators log (who, what, when). The larger data wipes - all content item views, all of a members views, get logged to the administrators log (as those occur in the ACP)

Thinking about Gallery. Albums are an easy add. Images are as well to a point but I'm wonder what the value of recording individual image views would be, and also there is the fact that image view defaults to the popup modal and I'm struggling to see where I can insert anything of value in there without it looking like a hot mess.

Lastly for those of you wondering if this can be a universal sort of thing for 3rd-party apps, the answer is yes - provided they are serving up content items - I'm using separate tables for convenience right now but a universal table wouldn't be that crushing (just store the content item class is all) - especially if we are bypassing forums which we would be already. The only hitch is where to catch the view - if the app is really straight forward and rides the IPS rails the view data should be correct. If it starts doing wacky dispatcher or output things, or is loose with permissions, the view data will be wrong and you can get members recorded as viewing things they never did and if you are modding based on this stuff I want no part of THAT drama at all...

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Viewers 2.0.0 Submitted!

  • NEW! Pages application now supported! Both Custom Page views and Database Record views.
  • NEW! Blogs application now supported! Blog entry views.
  • NEW! Added Member Data Export for Pages Pages, Pages Database Records, and Blog Entries for GDPR compliance!
  • ENHANCED! Adjusted all Member Data Exports to match native IPS data export date formatting!
  • EXPECTED! 4.7.x compatibility sweep.
  • etc...

As stated earlier - Pages Pages,  Pages Records, and Blog Entries are only widgets for the time being:

Could contain: File, Text, Page, Word, Document, Webpage

Drag and drop widgets are locked to their respective "thing". Blog Entries will only show something on Blog entries. Pages Pages will only show on basic pages. Pages Records will only show on record view. Yes, databases live on a "page" but that is accounted for.

The GDPR member data export stuff is all set with the new stuff as well so those of you in affected areas, or just needing to comply with user data laws of some type, can rest assured you can dump this stuff will no problem at all.

Available when approved.

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  • 4 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Olmyster said:

Hi @All Astronauts. I have just noticed that the "Viewers" application, although correctly installed on my site, does not work anymore. It is invisible. The options are no longer accessible in he backend and on the frontend forum, it does not appear.

PM me an ACP account for me to take a look, based on what you said I'd have to pop in and check directly.

Are you on CIC or self-hosted?

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  • 5 months later...

I tell you what, it would be awesome if you could add this to show what pages have been viewed (IP.Pages).

Also, would it be possible to allow the widgets to override the main setting? Why?

If you have the viewers widgets in various areas, you can change the appearance per widget rather than just globally. If IP.Pages were to be supported, it would allow you to also guests/members to view - instead of standing by the default ACP configuration.

I don't want anyone but team members to view topics.

However, there are a few areas that I have created using IP.Pages where I would absolutely love to be able to show who viewed to guests and members.

Regardless, it's awesome and well worth upgrading from the 4.5 and below version.

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  • 4 months later...

@All Astronauts

Hey man, how is it going

In the latest IPS version, they added new PII data option that any members can download after requests.

Could contain: Text, Page

I tried to download it but seeing an error

Could contain: Text

I checked system log, I thought it was because a missing table in the database but apparently it is because viewers app

SELECT * FROM `blog_blogs`
IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'xxx_db.blog_blogs' doesn't exist (1146)
#0 /home/xxx/domains/thexx.com/public_html/system/Db/Select.php(388): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery()
#1 /home/xxx/domains/thexxx.com/public_html/system/Db/Select.php(446): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
#2 /home/xxx/domains/thexxx.com/public_html/applications/viewers/extensions/core/MemberExportPersonalInformation/Blogs.php(40): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
#3 /home/xxx/domains/thexxx.com/public_html/system/Member/Member.php(6268): IPS\viewers\extensions\core\MemberExportPersonalInformation\_Blogs->getData()
#4 /home/xxx/domains/thexxx.com/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/system/settings.php(770): IPS\_Member->getPiiData()
#5 /home/xxx/domains/thexxx.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_settings->downloadPiiData()

I could download the file after disabled the app, can you please check on it, thanks!

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Fairly caught. In the member data export extension, I wrongly assume the Blogs app exists. In your case, obviously etc. etc... That's on me. Easy patch though how long it takes to get approved and in the Marketplace... I'll take a gander at the other areas and makes sure things are copacetic before submitting. 

BTW, the data export stuff has existed within the Invision Community system for awhile now, new stuff is on the front end for members to say gimme 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great application – and thanks for the upgrade.

As usual: never satisfied!

As you have said somewhere, having dates et cetera as well as the username leads to a very large block of information.

How about configuring a particular display – usernames only – but with a button which is visible only to the site team which would allow date and time information to be displayed as well.
That way, if the site team need to check up on something then the data is there for them – but normally speaking would simply be a list of users.


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