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Safe to uninstall Converter app?

Go to solution Solved by teraßyte,

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I was wondering if it is safe to remove the Converter app from applications? I did a conversion from Xenforo to IPS back in February. Is there any reason to have it installed anymore? Also while I am on subject, if I remove Converter from login and registrations, any member that has not signed back in using the converter would receive a message that they would have to reset their password correct? I am just trying to get rid of needless things on the board.

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Nah, I wasn't even thinking about Google (but it does help that you keep the 301 redirects active). I'm talking about the old links already posted. For example let's say someone posted a link to another topic in a post while on Xenforo (so it's using a Xenforo url format):

  • With the converter application enabled: it redirects this link to the converted topic on Invision Community and your members can still find the topic.
  • With the converter application disabled/uninstalled: the link returns a 404 error and your members will have to manually search the topic (or someone has to replace the old Xenforo link with the new Invision Community link).


Edited by teraßyte
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