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search not working correctly

Erik Wolf
Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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We have been having problems with our search module, which returns erratic results. Member search is not returning any results, regardless of keyword or filters used. But content search is working fine. Any ideas what might be the cause? We've looked everywhere we could think of for settings, but were unable to find a way to fix this. Thank you.

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Noticing some issues myself, I have started the process to rebuild your search index. You can see this process by going to ACP -> System -> Dashboard -> Background Processes. When that completes, please test again and if you're still seeing a specific issue, please let us know what you're searching and the URL to the content item you're expecting.

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10 hours ago, crabpaws said:

Search by tags is not returning tagged items in results all at, not even in "advanced search", ONLY if the keyword appears in the text.

This is being addressed in your ticket there. I would encourage you to start new topics for new items if you need to on the community though, as tags are not related to a member search

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Thanks. The reindexing is complete. It looks like no members are being shown in search. i type into the Search bar a member's name - such as Andrea, Carol, Erik, Elise. These are all members in our back-end (if you go to our back-end you will see about 25 people we are testing with, so it's not hard to find the right profiles). Nothing comes up. However, if these people are mentioned in an article, then the article comes up. From looking at the Search dialog box, where I have chosen Everywhere, the drop down (more options) shows Members as an option. I am under the impression that "Everywhere" includes Members. Just to be sure, I chose members only and searched "Carol". Zero results returned.

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It seems that we're not understanding each other - probably because you can't see what I'm seeing. I made a short video that shows you what I'm trying to do. Would you please watch it and let me know how to do what I see you being able to do on your front end. Thanks. 


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"Everywhere" will not search for member names specifically in profiles. You have to search for specifically "Members" to search profile names. The reason why you are seeing these names come up in content is that they are part of content you are searching, i.e. when you searched "Carol" or "Adam" (on either community) and saw their name mentioned in the title or body text. I understand you're confused by the "Everywhere" not including member profile names but let's exclude that for the time being as it is currently intended not to do that.

We do not use any plugins for searching members on our community. Everything is core functionality in our software for searching.

Looking at your installation again, you are purposely omitting all groups from the member search because you have "Allow filtering by this group?" disabled in ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit groups. For example purposes, I enabled it for the group our test account is in and then searched, which rendered the below:



You will need to update all groups as I did for the above if you wish to have them be searchable.

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