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Strange email header

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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I noticed that when I receive emails from my site, it’s showing a strange render, see screenshot below. See how it shows app=core&module etc… Any ideas or is this normal? This is from the stock iPhone email client. I have don’t really see any setting that can change it in my ACP. Anyway to fix it?




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Before we look any further there, have you make any changes to any of your email templates? It does look like its simply the email client that is showing you the text as a preview rather than the link there. When you open the email, is that looking ok?

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No changes to the templates, and yes email body content is just fine and looks good. I just didn’t know if this is the default for everybody else or not? I have looked through all the setting and I’m just using the default php send version. I just didn’t know if I am missing a setting or not? It’s not to big of a deal, just looks strange.

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