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Lost password API call

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Currently for a custom application I require to call the lost password functionality of Invision. I can't find anything about sending a recovery request call to the forums (without an HTTP client). Is there something like this available with invision https://website.com/forums/index.php?/lostpassword/email=test@hotmail.com

Or e.g. website.com/forums/recovery/email=test@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance

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33 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Sorry, this is not something which is available within our software. This would require a customization itself or you can request it for a future release in our Feature Suggestion forum.

Thanks for the answer! Do you know if it is possible to whitelist an IP to not use captcha? It seems as if whitelisting an IP in spam-prevention still shows a captcha upon password recovery (preventing a successful http client).
Only alternative would be to disable captcha for the functionality I require - which I would not want to do...

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On 2/2/2022 at 7:23 PM, Randy Calvert said:

It sounds like you're trying to do password reset activities through screen scraping.  It might be better to look at doing this through the REST API.  It would not be subject to CAPTCHA requests, etc.  It's also designed to be interacted with in a programmatic way.  

I looked into all the REST API calls and currently don't see any calls of requesting a password reset. (https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api/index/). Or do you mean something else?

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