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Date of birth on the User Profile


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Is this a custom profile field which you added or are you referring to the default birthday field in our software? If the latter, this should conform to your locale which is being used in your language pack. For instance, I am using English USA so my date form is MM DD, YYYY.

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2 hours ago, Leogui2k3 said:

I refer to the default profile field but I noticed that if I create a custom profile field, the date is also in this format: YYYY-MM-DD

The default formatting of the output of the field will be in that of your locale. However, if you are using custom formatting, this will not be and you will need to look at template syntax to change the formatting then. I'm afraid, customizations such as custom formatting of a field is outside our scope of support.

If you're using default formatting, you will want to check the locale of the language you're using.

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2 minutes ago, Leogui2k3 said:

I understand.

I am currently using this translation:   click!


This is not the language pack in our software but rather the locale which is a language file on your server which controls date, number, etc... formats. The locale is a setting in ACP -> Customization -> Languages -> edit language -> Locale.

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Copy setting value - what is that?


I just see that in my language, after changing the location from Poland to England, the date changes from YYYY-MM-DD to DD/MM/YYYY

Will the above-mentioned Copy setting value change solve this problem and not change my language to English?

Edited by Leogui2k3
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7 minutes ago, Leogui2k3 said:

Copy setting value - what is that?


I just see that in my language, after changing the location from Poland to England, the date changes from YYYY-MM-DD to DD/MM/YYYY

Will the above-mentioned Copy setting value change solve this problem and not change my language to English?

I am not quite sure what you mean by "Copy setting value" but the locale does not control what language various elements are in our software, it only controls dates, numbers, etc... formatting.

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On 1/29/2022 at 10:05 PM, Leogui2k3 said:




unfortunately, changing the region also changes the names of the icons in the editor


I would need a specific example of what you are seeing. As mentioned by my colleague, if you are referring to locale, that does not change icons or languages other than formats

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7 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I would need a specific example of what you are seeing. As mentioned by my colleague, if you are referring to locale, that does not change icons or languages other than formats


- When the language is set to Polish and the location is Polish, only the day format is not what I want.
- When I change the location, for example, German, then the date is in the format I want, but the names of the buttons in the editor change, i.e. instead of Polish, I have them in German

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4 minutes ago, Leogui2k3 said:


- When the language is set to Polish and the location is Polish, only the day format is not what I want.
- When I change the location, for example, German, then the date is in the format I want, but the names of the buttons in the editor change, i.e. instead of Polish, I have them in German

Please make sure you're editing the locale in the ACP -> Customization -> Languages -> edit your language -> Locale:



From what you described, it sounds like you have multiple language packs installed and are simply changing the language pack. I'm sorry but that is not what we're instructing you to do here.

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Yes, indeed some of the editor items may change. If they are changing to a different language to the locale that is set, that would likely be an issue with the locale on the server. Could I please confirm you are referring to locale, when you say location?

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with a request for help, I contacted the hosting on which my forum stands.

I got this message from them:



Good evening,

we are using FreeBSD and this is the order taken from FreeBSD. In our case, the result on FreeBSD is returned in the genitive, on Linux it is not. You can ask for the patch from IPS (if I remember correctly they offered it) or you can edit files to change display order and variant (change to% OB from% B). Files (assuming they have not changed in 3 years):

applications / calendar / sources / Date / Date.php
applications / core / data / theme.xml
system / Lang / Lang.php


Could FreeBSD have any influence on this?
My locale is set to Polish

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On 2/1/2022 at 3:08 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

Yes, indeed some of the editor items may change. If they are changing to a different language to the locale that is set, that would likely be an issue with the locale on the server. Could I please confirm you are referring to locale, when you say location?

Before moving forward here, could I please confirm what my colleague and I ask that you are indeed changing "Locale" when you stated "Location"?

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I can confirm on my own site, that if I set my locale to match yours, then the date is formatted correctly:

Ryan - Invision Community 2022-02-14 17-27-39.png

The formatting of the date will always be controlled by the locales installed on the server, and not by the software itself. If you upload this test script and run it in your browser, does it show correctly, or the same as the community does? If it is incorrect, then that means the pl-PL locale on the server is configured incorrectly.


If it does show correctly, however, let us know and we can look on your community specifically. The format of the date in this script does not take any community settings into account.

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