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Badges & archiving

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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I have a problem with how badges are awarded when it comes to posts that are archivised. We have badges for adding 50 / 150 / 350 / 500 / 1000 replies. For this report I'd like to use a member which has 527 posts, and out of which 38 are not yet archivised. The badge functionality ( post amount, years served and so on ) doesn't count said user's archivised posts, so he won't get a badge for 150 posts, only one for 50 posts, even though he in reality has those 527 posts already written ( excluding posts from forum sections where tracking is disabled, such as hydepark and so on ).

I've made sure and checked in the database, and it indeed is that way.

When doing a query for SELECT * FROM forums_posts WHERE author_id = X, I get a result of 38 posts.

Then I checked for SELECT * FROM forums_archive_posts WHERE archive_author_id = X and the result was 557.

I believe this is not the intended behaviour. 

Best regards,

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