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Group promotion and date of last post

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I have member promotion group based on activity of users ( Member last posted > Less than ) If user is active, he is promoted to active members group, otherwise he goes to inactive.
When user post something on forum, in database, in table: core_members > member_last_post date of last post is updated. But... when users write, for example "F*** you" and admin remove his post, date in column member_last_post remains the same, whithout updating. That's mean user can have no post, and be active for years, so promotion rule works wrong. How to fix it?

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Could I please clarify here, do you actively have a rule to demote if they have posted less than x period too? I ask, as it would not automatically remove a previously applied promotion. It's a one way tool, so if you wish for it to work the other way too, you would need to also add that as a rule

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Yeas, I have such a rule. Problem is in not updating date of user's last post in table: core_members > member_last_post .

After deleting last post, this date shoud be updated to real date of user's previous last post. Now it is a date of deleted post.

Edited by kodif
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

 Now I've broken down. It turns out that member_last_post  in the database also indicates the date of the last private conversation. Seriously?  This means that a user can be completely inactive on a public forum and write  bullfaeces in a PM and then, according to IPS, he will be an active user which will affect the promotion.  Congratulations.....  Do you guys even know what you are doing?

Well, renewing was a big mistake, sorry to say that.


Edited by kodif
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10 hours ago, kodif said:

 Now I've broken down. It turns out that member_last_post  in the database also indicates the date of the last private conversation. Seriously?  This means that a user can be completely inactive on a public forum and write  bullfaeces in a PM and then, according to IPS, he will be an active user which will affect the promotion.  Congratulations.....  Do you guys even know what you are doing?

Well, renewing was a big mistake, sorry to say that.


Sorry to hear you feel that way. The achievement system is something that was very new for 4.6. If you wish to see improvements in the system, the best way is to post this up within our suggestion area, rather than venting frustration in a post here. We are indeed receptive to constructive feedback.

With the item you are using here however, it has already been confirmed by my colleague that it is a bug. Within any software, you will get times there are bugs that need to be resolved. You appear to be reacting here before seeing the fix

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Just wanted to update you on this one. 

PMs do not update last member post. So that one, if its happening, we would need to take a look at. However with regard the updating of member_last_post, this is not something that is removed if a post is then subsequently deleted. After all, the member did indeed post.

When an item of content is deleted, we don't demote members based on this. In the same way we dont delete post counts and never have based on the deleting of items. At present this is working as intended.

I realise this is not the outcome that you would have liked, and please feel free to post this within the suggestions forum if you would like to see this change at some point in the future.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/10/2022 at 8:58 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

this is not something that is removed if a post is then subsequently deleted. After all, the member did indeed post.

When an item of content is deleted, we don't demote members based on this. In the same way we dont delete post counts and never have based on the deleting of items

Great. Please remove also member's post recount option in ACP then. After all, the member did indeed posts.

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24 minutes ago, kodif said:

Great. Please remove also member's post recount option in ACP then. After all, the member did indeed posts.

We would not remove that option, as there may well be valid reasons a user needs to use that 

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