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Changing Current Forum Name Affect

Go to solution Solved by Marc St,

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If I want to change a current forum name, does that affect Google Listing (URL wise)

OLD Url still finds the New URL????

Can someone clarify this?

For example: 

Old Name (URL): https://www.mysite.com/forum/forum/15-shopping-buying-option/

New Name (URL): https://www.mysite.com/forum/forum/15-shopping-option/


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If you change a forum name, one simply redirects to the other automatically, so it wouldnt affect it. In fact the name in the URL is simply for the human readable aspect. It's the number that makes the diferrence.

For example, the URL for this forum is


But if you go here, it goes to the same place, as the ID is the same


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Yes, it will find the old URL because it's based on the ID.

Same happens with topics too! If you take the current topic as example, it's url is:

but a not existing name https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/464437-made-up-name/ (e.g. if the topic title changed, the URL will also change) and redirect back to the proper url.


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