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view what files user has downloaded?

Go to solution Solved by Marc Stridgen,

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7 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

You can do this from the admin CP. Open the users profile in the admin CP, then on the right, you can change "All Recent Account Activity" to "Files Downloaded"

I do not seem to have that option.  I do have download logging on and have for a long while. Running v4.6.8.


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3 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Ah, to cleary this is only the downloads application. This is not something you can see from attachments if thats what you are looking for?

No, I'm only looking for files downloaded by the user from the downloads application.

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13 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

This is under "customer actions".  Do you have commerce installed (I see you have a license) and are you sure the user has actually downloaded anything?

Yes, commerce is installed, but I don't charge for downloads. Subscription/usergroup based. This specific user has downloaded over 750 files. I know I can go to each individual file and see who downloaded it, but that's time consuming when looking for a specific user.


13 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

A suggestion:

  • File:
    • All members who downloaded a file
  • Member:
    • All files a member has uploaded
    • All files a member has downloaded


@Adriano Faria Thanks. I'll check it out.  Just seems like this should be basic functionality of IPS downloads app.

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1 minute ago, AlexWebsites said:

in ACP, go to the member tab and click on Downloads



then view as a table


Yeah, I'm familiar with that, but that list moves fast. I have over 250,000 downloads that gets quite a bit cluttered.  I know I can export as a CSV and sort it via username, but it shouldn't be that difficult to just get a list of the downloaded files per user.  

I think @Adriano Faria solution may be the best.

1 minute ago, AlexWebsites said:

in ACP, go to the member tab and click on Downloads



then view as a table


Yeah, I'm familiar with that, but that list moves fast. I have over 250,000 downloads that gets quite a bit cluttered.  I know I can export as a CSV and sort it via username, but it shouldn't be that difficult to just get a list of the downloaded files per user.  

I think @Adriano Faria solution may be the best.

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10 minutes ago, Circo said:

Yeah, I'm familiar with that, but that list moves fast. I have over 250,000 downloads that gets quite a bit cluttered.  I know I can export as a CSV and sort it via username, but it shouldn't be that difficult to just get a list of the downloaded files per user.  

I think @Adriano Faria solution may be the best.

That is per user in ACP. Search for the user to go to their member view and then see what only they downloaded. Now if you are looking for a file and then to see what users have downloaded that file, then check out @Adriano Faria solution, its more robust. You can also check out the ACP reporting for top downloads and such.



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2 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Indeed, seems so for me me on my other site, so appears thats not the case


@Circo do you have the name of the user there? I can then take a look. From what I can see it should be

I've been using content statistics for downloads under the member view on three of my sites for quite some time to see what the user has downloaded. Its a nice feature, maybe even a 'hidden gem".

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8 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

That is per user in ACP. Search for the user to go to their member view and then see what only they downloaded. Now if you are looking for a file and then to see what users have downloaded that file, then check out @Adriano Faria solution, its more robust. You can also check out the ACP reporting for top downloads and such.



Ok, it looks like only the table view from the Downloads tab that shows what that user downloaded.  I guess that will work my use.  Just a bit difficult to find.

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