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Slow Forum Loading IPS Hosting


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We moved from a dedicated server to the IPS cloud hosting, our forums not the busiest yet members are now complaining that its slow and hangs, sometimes the header doesnt load and sometimes the page half loads, hangs and then after a second or so the rest loads, quite a lot of members (most) have said its slow on the new server and hangs

Can IPS take a looks as its quite bad compared to the old dedicated server we moved from

Also second query - Piping on the email supports - is this all pre-set up ?

Edited by BookSeller
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Are you having any issues with anything in specific? Are you seeing these issues right now? Viewing your community as a logged in user, I am not seeing any issues. In fact, pages are loading quite quickly, if not borderline immediate for myself on and off our VPN. If you are able to provide us an action or user's display name that we can take a look at, we can certainly look at this further though.

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By action, my colleague is asking what the user us doing at the time they see the lag in speed on your site. Also, it woul dbe helpful to know the name of the person reporting as we can log in as that person. If you dont want to give that name here, then feel free to message that to me if needed

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While I dont think its related, I have ensured all patches are run for you on the site. There doesnt seem to be anything specific to the user you messaged me with. I see there is a very short delay on view new content while it fetches data, but nothing I would see as being wildly slow. If we could have an idea what we are seeing as slow there, that may indicate if we are seeing the same thing or not. Other than that, if you could obtain the information mentioned by Charles above, that would be helpful

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I have just checked Firefox and Safari with the java console and I dont get any errors - the user mentioned probably has an old windows 3 pc with an old Firefox 

However even with no errors im still getting half a page load up and then it stops, hangs, then loads the rest of the page

I can do a video if that helps later this evening 

I have also asked the user for a screen shot of his java console errors

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@Marc Stridgen They have posted the java console - although I dont think thats related - they have other issues nothing to do with the forum

@Marc Stridgen I have doen a couple of screen recordings - 28mb each - how do I get them to you ?

Its faster this morning but still has a half page load on view new content then after perhaps half a second the rest loads - quite distinctive as there is just white space below

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Its the correct email - I just dont have access at the weekend - ill get the video emailed over Monday morning 

On a side note - our advertisements were disabled and the lagging is still apparent, one member has reported he thinks its getting worse - I have asked him to clarify exactly what and where etc

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You should get 3 videos today and a waterfall has file on safari - one of the videos uses the ips default theme - no edits - no logo - vanilla - still slow with a break in page loads

Members complaining its the same on iPhone and pad as well with the laggy loading of view new content (see thread on our forum already pm'd a week or so ago)



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I did actually respond to that. You would add the links to wherever you have uploaded those videos. You would not send them directly on email

I have just responded to that ticket for you, as it seems you must have asked that on another ticket. I do remember responding, but its not actually on this ticket. Nor is the question itself

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