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User being asked to link Twitter account after registering


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This is a new one for me...  I have a user attempting to create an account on my forum, and stating that after they register and login, they are being prompted to link their Twitter account.  They have created two different accounts and have tried multiple computers, but this is apparently happening consistently.  If I login to the account via the ACP, I do not see this.  The customer gave me the password to the second account they created, so I tried logging in normally and I also do not see this issue.

I have never seen this issue before nor has anyone ever reported it to me.  I also created a new account and verified that this new account was able to login without this authorization request showing up.

Here's the authorization prompt they are seeing (I hid their Twitter account name, which is normally visible at the top of the page):


If anyone has any insight as to why this might be happening, that would be greatly appreciated.  Currently running 4.4.10 (yes, I will be upgrading to 4.6.x soon, working on that now).

Thank you!

Edited by AtariAge
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They would get that prompt if they have clicked to register using twitter. The only other time that would be asked for is if they have physically clicked to link to twitter on their account in account settings. You would not see it, as you arent logging in using  twitter. You are logging in using the internal login. In addition, it cannot ask you permissions to use their twitter account

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Thanks for the response. I asked him for a video and he sent me one that shows him logging in and the forum immediately redirecting him to the Twitter authorization screen.  I also asked him if he signed up using Twitter and he says he has not.

I can look at his account settings to see if he's enabled Twitter.  Is there any way I can tell in the ACP if a user registered using Twitter or another service?

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4 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

If you look in the admin CP at his profile, you will be able to see him connected on the left of the page. You can also disconnect it from there

I looked in the ACP at both accounts, and neither of them show he is connected to Twitter.  I then logged in to both accounts from the ACP and neither of them are connected to Twitter or any other services.  This is what I see for both of them:


The video he sent me clearly shows the forum redirecting to that Twitter authorization page as soon as he logs in.  I am not seeing that behavior, either when logging in through the ACP or logging in manually using the username/password.  And neither account is connected to Twitter.  And I've never had any other users describe this behavior.  I'd like to believe it's something on his own machine, but he also tried this on multiple machines (of course, both machines are probably configured in a similar fashion).  

It's really bizarre.

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5 hours ago, AtariAge said:

Thanks for the response. I asked him for a video and he sent me one that shows him logging in and the forum immediately redirecting him to the Twitter authorization screen.  I also asked him if he signed up using Twitter and he says he has not.

To confirm, they are filling out the log in form with their details on your community and hitting the "Sign In" button on the form? They aren't hitting the Twitter button by accident, whether that is via a click, hitting enter, or some other button?

If yes, they are hitting the "Sign In" button, do you have a Profile Competition step which suggests adding a Twitter login? I know you said they are being immediately redirected but just wanted to check that they didn't click it before?

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9 minutes ago, Jim M said:

To confirm, they are filling out the log in form with their details on your community and hitting the "Sign In" button on the form? They aren't hitting the Twitter button by accident, whether that is via a click, hitting enter, or some other button?

In the video he sent me, I did see he's using a password manager to login with.  As he has two accounts, I saw that he had to choose which username/password to use.  It's quite possible the password manager is hitting the Twitter button.  Let me ask him to login manually instead of using that browser (or browser plugin) password feature and see if that makes a difference.  I would not be surprised at all if that's what's happening.  Will report back here once he tries that.

9 minutes ago, Jim M said:

If yes, they are hitting the "Sign In" button, do you have a Profile Competition step which suggests adding a Twitter login? I know you said they are being immediately redirected but just wanted to check that they didn't click it before?

No, I don't have anything like that, which I assume is a 4.6 feature?  I'm still on 4.4.10 (but not for long, I hope).  😄

Thank you.

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5 minutes ago, AtariAge said:

No, I don't have anything like that, which I assume is a 4.6 feature?

Profile Completion has been around for some time. At least since 4.2/4.3 (don't quote me on the exact version but it is definitely a part of 4.4 😄 )

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9 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Profile Completion has been around for some time. At least since 4.2/4.3 (don't quote me on the exact version but it is definitely a part of 4.4 😄 )

Guess I've never seen or used that. Will have to look!  🙂  I was thinking it had something to do with the new badges feature. 

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11 hours ago, AtariAge said:

Guess I've never seen or used that. Will have to look!  🙂  I was thinking it had something to do with the new badges feature. 

No, its nothing related to badges. Take a look here if you want to know more about the profile completion feature


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