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Database work. Move topics to different forum

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I need to mass move topics and have found a way I think will work. 
In the database table forums_topics I plan on move all topics containing a keyword in "title"  and change "forum_id" from 909 to "forum_id" 414. This successfully moved a topic from one sub forum to another. 

Is there anything else I need to think of when doing this? Are there any other dependencies that might crash this method? 

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13 minutes ago, xdmin said:

Is there anything else I need to think of when doing this?

Please avoid to change any data direct in the DB.
By changing the forum id in the topics table you're missing to rebuild:

  • Search Index
  • Tag Index
  • Container Counts
  • Last Item & Last Comment Data
  • Total Posts from the author
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The topics are being identified by a keyword in the title. I will make a list of tasks, like
If title contains "word1", then move to forum_id: 4
If title contains "word2", then move to forum_id: 8
If title contains "word5", then move to forum_id: 100

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