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Facebook login expected behaviour?


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Hi everyone!

I did setup Facebook Login for my community, and everything has been working fine so far.

This week, in order to satisfy to a request from Facebook regarding compliance issues, I tried creating a new account using a Facebook account, and I was quite puzzled regarding the behaviour I experienced.

I would like to hear from something with more experience whether this is the intended behaviour or whether I misconfigured something (I could not find out what). Only the step 3 (below) is an issue to me.

I went here to access more information about Facebook login in IPB, but this page only mentions the configuration part, not how we should expect it to work live.

Step 1 - Access my community login URL (https://xxx/login), click on "Login with Facebook"

Step 2 - I am redirected to facebook.com/login.php?..., I enter the credentials I want to login with

Step 3 - Login is successful, I am redirected to my community, where I am required to enter an email address (see below)


My question is the following: is it mandatory that we require our users to enter an email address? I thought this piece of information would be among the Facebook data that we just retrieved at the time of the redirection? Or am I wrong?

Thank you everyone and have a nice day.

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For an official answer, open a support ticket. 

In the Facebook login settings it says:


If necessary, the user will be prompted to provide a display name and email address. The validation method for new accounts setting will apply unless the email address was provided by the login handler in which case it is considered to be validated.

Normally, it shouldn’t ask for an address. I don’t know under which conditions the email is not delivered by Facebook. Maybe it’s a privacy setting for the user? Or a misconfigured app?

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