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Doubt about "Lazy load media" in Fields > Pages

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Have the impression that Lazy load media doesn't work when images are loaded from an upload field on Record, can I be wrong, can anyone confirm me?

I put in several heavy images to test, and they started to load everything at once.



My code


{{if $formValue}}
<div class="ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone">
{{foreach $value as $file}}
	<img src="{file='$file' extension='cms_Records'}" class="ipsImage" alt="{$record->_title}">





-- Edited --

I notice that they only work when they are sent via attachment.

Edited by Hisashi
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Well, you create the code yourself. There won’t be lazy loading unless you code it in. 

Personally, I would just add native lazy loading like:
<img src="{file='$file' extension='cms_Records'}" class="ipsImage" alt="{$record->_title}" loading="lazy">

I don’t have IPS’ custom lazy loading code memorized, since I don’t use that on any of my websites. 

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15 minutes ago, opentype said:

Well, you create the code yourself. There won’t be lazy loading unless you code it in. 

Personally, I would just add native lazy loading like:
<img src="{file='$file' extension='cms_Records'}" class="ipsImage" alt="{$record->_title}" loading="lazy">

I don’t have IPS’ custom lazy loading code memorized, since I don’t use that on any of my websites. 

I understand, I still thought about adding lazy code, but I thought it would give some conflict or something, because in theory already had it in the software

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