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WebP confusion. No file extension?


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So, I am trying out the WebP support in 4.6. First, I only got broken images, but I quickly narrowed down the problem: the images are uploaded and processed successfully, but stored without a file suffix in the uploads directory and then blocked by <ipb-protection> in the htaccess file.

So what is going on there? Why is there no file suffix? Is that intentional? Can I change it? Is it a bug? A server configuration?



P.S. I tried it here on the site for comparison, but it create a different issue and I couldn’t even upload the images:


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On 6/22/2021 at 9:53 PM, opentype said:

So, I am trying out the WebP support in 4.6. First, I only got broken images, but I quickly narrowed down the problem: the images are uploaded and processed successfully, but stored without a file suffix in the uploads directory and then blocked by <ipb-protection> in the htaccess file.

So what is going on there? Why is there no file suffix? Is that intentional? Can I change it? Is it a bug? A server configuration?



P.S. I tried it here on the site for comparison, but it create a different issue and I couldn’t even upload the images:


I had the same issue attachments webp.
I found a reason - open your uploads directory, find a .htaccess file and remove it (or make comment definitions) - this solves the display of attached webp


This is content file htaccess

#<Files ~ "^.*\.(php|cgi|pl|php3|php4|php5|php6|phtml|shtml|([a-z0-9]{32}))$">
#    Order allow,deny
#    Deny from all


Edited by Adlago
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11 minutes ago, Adlago said:

 I found a reason - open your uploads directory, find a .htaccess file and remove it (or make comment definitions)

Yes, I already said that I narrowed it down to this. But I am not going to remove a valid security feature just to show webP pictures. This is not the right solution. 

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