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A Few Questions


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Why do the user group colors not show in some places (i.e. the side section on comments/posts)? I have the setting set to global but I think the username is non-colored because the group is showing in the same section. How do I disable this?

Additionally, I've set up multiple subscriptions that add secondary groups to members. However, it looks like once they purchase one subscription, they cannot purchase another? These are unrelated so the upgrade/downgrade logic doesn't fit my use case. 

Is it true that a user can only have one subscription at a time? If so, it will essentially force me to create a subscription for every possible combo of subscriptions on my site which is virtually unmanageable so I'm really hoping this isn't the case. I've decided to use the Products in the interim but I'm not sure if I'm just misunderstanding something or if what I've discovered is reality.

Thanks in advance for your time!

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