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Has anyone imported basic mysql tables into IPS (no CMS)

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I realise the converter works with full forums and CMS's like Wordpress, but I was wondering if anyone has used it or has a suggestion (RSS import, manual copy/paste or MySQL table import, manual front-end recreation) for an old-school situation where a website has a simple news article MySQL table and HTML articles were inserted/pasted directly via phpMyAdmin, pulled from a mysql table into the pages of the front end website, used in RSS feeds etc.

This is the actual InnoDB table used for news articles, it has about 450 rows:


Many thanks.

Edited by The Old Man
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What you're looking for is an ETL (extract-transform-load) tool. You can either create a custom one in php with the IPS converters as a starting point, or do the work in a third party tool that does ETL. You're wanting to extract the data out of your custom table, transform it into the format that IPS expects, and then write to the IPS database.

Please do this in a testing or development environment and make backups of your backups before backing up your backup before proceeding 🙂

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