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Is it safe to delete these folders from the server?


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I've noticed that each month a new folder is created on the server - is it safe to delete these older folders (arrowed) or are they needed?  I ask this as there will be a lot of folders created over the coming months - unless they are self-deleting.  Advice please 🙂


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14 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

These are folders where attachments are saved.

Yeah, I know this, but it seems strange that a new folder is created each month and the number of folders will grow exponentially over time.  

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2 hours ago, opentype said:

That’s intentional and the lesser evil.

Thanks for explaining - I knew that these were folders for uploads, just wasn't sure why one was created for each month but now that I can see the number of files, if lots of uploads were being done, could overwhelm the ability for the folder to open; I can see the logic in it now 🙂


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