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Can I just store files in 1 single directory?

Black Tiger

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It's better for website loading if I can put multiple images in 1 single directory.

At this moment the "wordpress style" file storage (as I call it) is used. So I can change from for example /upload to /images or whatever I want to store, but in that directory IPS will still create Monthly directory's. Which is just what I don't want for certain things.

Isn't it possible to disable the creation of this Monthly directory's somehow so I get certain things just together in 1 directory like I want?

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No, and I don't understand why you'd want to. We've seen in the past when our software worked this way busy sites would get hundreds of files stored in the directory and you wouldn't even be able to open the folder via FTP because there were too many files to list. It's far better to break the files up into subfolders as we do now, and I am not aware of any reason it would be "better for website loading" not to do so.

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1 hour ago, bfarber said:

No, and I don't understand why you'd want to.

That's a pity. It's for 2 reasons. The first one is that it gives a way better overview for certain specific files I want this with.

As for certain images, they are imporving page speed if certain static images are al presented from the same directory, at least multiple tests are stating this.

I know it's better to break up files if you have lots of them, the downside is they are hard to find with all that directory's used.

But I always used specific static images of my own from my /images directory which gave me a better overview for these files. So I did not mean this for all files, but just for specific ones.

Current method with those images also uses more space, because If I use Downloads now, and put new downloads tomorrow and use the same static image for it, it will be in both the directory's for today and tomorrow while this is not needed.

But it's not a must, I was just asking. If it's not possible then it's not possible.

Edited by Black Tiger
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31 minutes ago, Black Tiger said:

Current method with those images also uses more space, because If I use Downloads now, and put new downloads tomorrow and use the same static image for it, it will be in both the directory's for today and tomorrow while this is not needed.

Think this would be a case to allow screenshots in the Downloads application to be re-used across downloads like we do for many other attachments, rather than storing some images in 1 directory. I'm not sure how popular this would be though as I don't imagine many people re-using screenshots in Downloads. However, you may wish to make this suggestion in the Feedback forum if this is something you desire.

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Thank you. That woudl be an option, but:

8 minutes ago, Jim M said:

I'm not sure how popular this would be though as I don't imagine many people re-using screenshots in Downloads.

this would be the reason I would not make a feature request because I'm thinking the exact same thing. I'm only have a small forum.

However, this gives me another question. If I'm not mistaken, if I remove my screenshot, some default thing is showing (don't remember exactly what) at the screenshot place.

Is it possible to disable screenshots on Downloads all together so they only show the text and no screenshot (als no default ones)?

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3 minutes ago, Black Tiger said:

this would be the reason I would not make a feature request because I'm thinking the exact same thing. I'm only have a small forum.

Ideas don't make it into our software because of the size of the community who requested but the merit of the idea and the usefulness of the idea to other clients 😉 . 

5 minutes ago, Black Tiger said:

Is it possible to disable screenshots on Downloads all together so they only show the text and no screenshot (als no default ones)?

Screenshots are indeed not required. This a is a per category setting.

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12 minutes ago, Jim M said:

but the merit of the idea and the usefulness

Correct, but I don't think it would be really usefull either.

Thank you for the tip about screenshots. I will take a look in the category settings then. Yep, they are in there, thank you!

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