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same language (translation) key used for different things

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So i've recently opened the clubs functionality on our community and went on to translate it, and It looks like there is a key there that's already being used in a different place.

On the clubs page, when you want to add "Topics" you aren't ACTUALLY adding topics, but more of a forum, since the club members open topics inside of it (I hope that makes sense to anybody other than me). So I've translated it to say "Forum". easy peasy.
To my surprise, when browsing a member's activity on their profile, I saw that under the activity filter bar, under "Forums" it say "forums" again. Which is obviously wrong, since this refers to the TOPICS this member has started.

So, after turning on the "view word keys" option in the translation section of the ACP, I saw that those two places use the same "Topic_pl" key, and that's kinda bad since those two places should be showing different words.


1) in Clubs. no bueno. IMO should use a seperate key.


2) In the user profile activity. Should stay as "Topics".




Is there any way to make it happen or at least some kind of workaround?

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