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IPS Outsmarting Itself With The Date


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This is just feedback and more of a vent than anything. I really think IPS is outsmarting itself with the way dates are displayed. Can we please just display the time and date as the time and date rather than "Wednesday at 05:39 PM"

I was finally driven to post this because of a post on my site, where I couldn't find the quoted post easily. You can see the actual date of the quoted post is displayed. Excellent! It says "On 4/15/2020 at 2:21 PM." I should be able to scroll back through the 731 page topic to find this date and time. However, this isn't the case. When I scroll I see nothing but, "Wednesday at 05:39 PM," "Thursday at 04:31 PM," and "Thursday at 01:39 PM."

Now I have to do the math in my head to figure out the day of the week on April 15th, just to find the quoted post. Not sure why the little link / arrow is gone from the quote, but it is and I can't change that. 

Anyway, it really seems like IPS is trying to be one step smarter than the world with the way dates are displayed, but in reality it's just annoying. IPS is doing the time and date math for us automatically by displaying  "Thursday at 04:31 PM," but that isn't what we all want. 

Love IPS software and support and the community. Just had to give feedback about this one that has bugged me forever.  



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16 minutes ago, Chris027 said:

Not sure why the little link / arrow is gone from the quote, but it is and I can't change that. 

I've just popped by your site and it's definitely there:


There's no reason, outside of customisation, that it shouldn't be there for you too. Perhaps you've not seen it; it's faded unless you hover over it. I confess, though, that I can't make it out in your screenshot.

Edited by Meddysong
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1 minute ago, Meddysong said:

I've just popped by your site and it's definitely there:


There's no reason, outside of customisation, that it shouldn't be there for you too. Perhaps you've not seen it; it's faded unless you hover over it.

I was only referencing the specific post above (my screenshot), that is missing the arrow. 

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3 hours ago, bfarber said:

If you mouse over the date that displays like "Wednesday at 4:21PM" it shows you the full date and time like "4/15/2020 4:21PM"

Ah the good ole mystery meat mouse over. No clue it's there until you mouse over it :~)


Thanks for the best software on the planet. I wouldn't run my community on anything else!

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