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What else needs database password besides config file?

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I thought I could simply change my database password and update the config file and be fine.

However, I did so and my site was serving up offline errors. So I changed it back to the old password and all is fine again.

What else needs changed?

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8 minutes ago, Makoto said:

Nothing else should need to be changed. Can you double check your new database credentials and ensure they have full access to your IPS database?

Same user, I simply changed the password. I wasn't getting a password denied for user error. It was just the IPS site not working standard error. The template didn't load, site stopped working.

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Did you flush privileges after you changed the password?


After executing the UPDATE statement, you also need to execute the FLUSH PRIVILEGES  statement to reload privileges from the grant table in the mysql database.


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3 minutes ago, SJ77 said:

Well it's something to do with REDIS, if I turn redis off I can change the password

In case this helps anyone, I had to do the following

  1. Turn off Redis
  2. change DB password and update the config file
  3. Turn Redis back up

That seemed to do the trick. Perhaps bugs in ips software causing this. I don't know.

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