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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick question - I bought and installed this yesterday. I'm running into an issue with approval queue count numbers. Here's what's happening, as far as I can figure out...

Say I delete the cached modCpApprovalQueueCount_X value. If I then reload the home page, your app recalculates a value 2 more than is actually in the queue. One item in the queue, it calculates 3, etc. Three items, it calculates 5. 
Then I go to the approval queue. Initially in the "
Approval Queue / Active Reports" bit it shows the incorrect cached number. As I start processing, that number corrects itself, presumably as it gets updated by IPB's own code.

If I deactivate your app, the approval queue figure is always right.

Is there a difference in the way the approval queue figure and the figure for your app are calculated? My best guess at the moment is that there's a difference, and this is causing the mismatch. It's possible your method is picking up some orphaned unapproved content somewhere, which the native method avoids. 

Edited by rgf100
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On 3/12/2019 at 10:04 AM, rgf100 said:

Quick question - I bought and installed this yesterday. I'm running into an issue with approval queue count numbers. Here's what's happening, as far as I can figure out...

Say I delete the cached modCpApprovalQueueCount_X value. If I then reload the home page, your app recalculates a value 2 more than is actually in the queue. One item in the queue, it calculates 3, etc. Three items, it calculates 5. 
Then I go to the approval queue. Initially in the "
Approval Queue / Active Reports" bit it shows the incorrect cached number. As I start processing, that number corrects itself, presumably as it gets updated by IPB's own code.

If I deactivate your app, the approval queue figure is always right.

Is there a difference in the way the approval queue figure and the figure for your app are calculated? My best guess at the moment is that there's a difference, and this is causing the mismatch. It's possible your method is picking up some orphaned unapproved content somewhere, which the native method avoids. 

No, there's no difference. I'll take a look at this this weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I think this is broke for 4.5 even. ALL users on my site can see the notifications and i cant find where to edit the settings for it. its possible i just have a conflicting mod installed. but until i at least know where to look, i have this disabled. does anyone know where to edit the settings to not all 80K people on my site cant see this? they click on it and it tries to log them into my ACP..

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  • 1 month later...
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