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Signature Maximum Lines?


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Hey everyone! I currently have signatures set to a max of 4 lines. Most of my members use all 4 lines and one graphic (500x200). For some reason though, some of my members are reporting that they are getting an error message when their signature text hasn't exceeded 4 lines. I've been trying out different things trying to get the same error to come up on my own account (I even copy/pasted an entire paragraph of text in and was able to get it to go through, then pressed enter between each line and wasn't anymore?) This member says she is only pressing 'enter' once to get to the next line, and on my own account, I'm able to do this without a problem. 

So, I'm wondering, does anyone know what actually constitutes a 'line'? Is it just the amount of time you press  enter? Does the image itself count as a line? 

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Thanks for the help! My members are using only options on the toolbar to edit their signatures, so what kinds of actions would cause these? I know pressing 'enter' adds a new paragraph, but is there any other action that would cause a line break? 

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