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Blog Improvements


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Maybe this blog is so nice, picture, background color, font size etc. But some time an entry is so long, when reading produce terrible sense because don't know where I am now... Maybe not for everyone but yes, will be clearly if the header contain button of sections that are there after the content:

1. First view I can see if there comments or not, 

2. Some time I have this entry read, but I need read comments again, or when some post new comments, click the button take me there, is faster than scroll scroll scroll down, 

3. One button that show how many comments are, another button show how many members commenting on 

4. Comments button will be recorded my last time visit, then appear the New comment icon, like topic list... 

5. Members button will show how many members are, click it will show the members list, click member will show all comments of this member in this blog entry. 


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Yes, but I should point out that the screenshot taken was of our news section, which is actually a custom Pages database and not actually the blog product. And we are using custom templates, so the changes suggested would be customizations we'd need to make specifically to our custom templates.

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