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1 hour ago, mdmx said:

@Daniel F This happens even if you save the settings

Submit a ticket.

I can confirm this bug


I've also found next issue


				function() use( $url )
					/* Clear guest page caches */

					/* Clear the value in the session */
					unset( $_SESSION[ \IPS\Request::i()->key ] );

					/* And redirect */
					$finishUrl = $url->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'form', 'id' => \IPS\Request::i()->from ) );
					if ( \IPS\Request::i()->subnode )
						$finishUrl = $finishUrl->setQueryString( 'subnode', 1 );
					\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( $finishUrl );

Pay attention on FALSE


	 * Constructor
	 * @param	string		$url			The URL where the redirector takes place
	 * @param	callback	$callback		The function to run - should return an array with three elements, or NULL to indicate the process is finished or a string to display -
	 *	@li	Data to pass back to itself for the next "step"
	 *	@li	A message to display to the user
	 *	@li	[Optional] A number between 	1 and 100 for a progress bar
	 * @param	callback	$finished		Code to run when finished
	 * @param	bool		$finalRedirect	If FALSE, will not force a real redirect to the finished method
	 * @return	void

$finalRedirect    If FALSE, will not force a real redirect to the finished method

So we will always (while key exists) get old value from $_SESSION

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