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Enable Post Link Sharing ?


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Well, I feel like an absolute idiot, but there ya go!

I have two sites, both for roleplaying, so being able to share specific post links for tagging the next person to post is pretty important. My first site has this enabled so we can grab the link and post the tag in our Discord. However, on the new site, I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to enable it. I've tried everything, even a setting by setting comparison between the two sites and still no luck.

So, pretty please, can anyone tell me how to enable the sharing of links to specific posts (see screenshots for clarifications)?

Thank you so much! :blush:



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No permission there:

				{{if $comment->mapped('first') }}
					<li><a class='ipsType_blendLinks' href='{$comment->item()->url()}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' id='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'><i class='fa fa-share-alt'></i></a></li>
					<li><a class='ipsType_blendLinks' href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'findComment', 'comment' => $comment->$idField ) )}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' id='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'><i class='fa fa-share-alt'></i></a></li>

The link should appear in all posts.

You either:

  • Has a plugin to share only first post
  • You theme is outdated
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@Adriano Faria  Thank you for responding. 

I uploaded the latest version of theme, tried disabling all plugins and applications and still cannot get it sorted. On the plus side it is not vital, just handy for posting tags in Discord. I'll continue poking at it to see if I can figure it out.

Thank you!

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