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Iframe plugin


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Hello, there is any method or app to show (or insert )a club(one club) or forum(one category) on a page? so user don't have to reload on other page to use club or forum, if I have 5 communities I can create 5 html page for them, and inserting respect forum or club in these pages.

Right I can do it inserting iframe, but there is showing repeated site header and footer.

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This is not exactly what you are asking for, but this is my solution and I use it in one of my websites. Using blocks

Widgets from @onlyME  like featured items or topic thumbnails allow you to add selected content from forums in clubs using blocks.
You could create a 3 column page with latest topics or featured topics, pinned topics etc. from specific clubs, only one, two or all 5.   It's very easy to insert those blocks using those widgets. Very simple and easy ( I could do it ? )

For galleries, I think you could also do it with the gallery block ( not 100% sure though ). For calendars and other options you could probably use blocks too.

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4 hours ago, gabs007 said:

This is not exactly what you are asking for, but this is my solution and I use it in one of my websites. Using blocks

Widgets from @onlyME  like featured items or topic thumbnails allow you to add selected content from forums in clubs using blocks.
You could create a 3 column page with latest topics or featured topics, pinned topics etc. from specific clubs, only one, two or all 5.   It's very easy to insert those blocks using those widgets. Very simple and easy ( I could do it ? )

For galleries, I think you could also do it with the gallery block ( not 100% sure though ). For calendars and other options you could probably use blocks too.

Can I take a look your website?

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