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Custom profile fields in ModCP


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Hi, I would like to make a suggestion for a future release. I recently reached out to support to ask why moderators were not able to edit profile fields in the moderatorCP.  I was initially told that this was possible, however they are able to if the member has defined a value already, but not create a new value. I'd really appreciate if the ability to define a value was possible, as I would like my moderators to be able to edit a certain field without giving them access to the ACP with much more sensitive information such as emails/ip addresses.

Below are some screenshots for reference:

profile field's settings: https://puu.sh/uUAio/83c742c91e.png

This is me trying to edit a profile on a moderator account: https://puu.sh/uUAqh/af54fb127a.png

And showing that even on my admin account via moderatorCP, it’s not there either: https://puu.sh/uUApL/f600f5996a.png

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  • 4 months later...


I agree with this request. My own moderators asked me why they must access to the ACP to modify some field with parameter "Show publicly on member's profile?" disabled.

Before 4.x, they can do modification directly on the public member profile and it was more convenient for them.

In our case, we even want that only staff can see the field on the member's public profil, but the available parameters permit also to the member to see it.

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34 minutes ago, Invision Board France said:


I agree with this request. My own moderators asked me why they must access to the ACP to modify some field with parameter "Show publicly on member's profile?" disabled.

Before 4.x, they can do modification directly on the public member profile and it was more convenient for them.

In our case, we even want that only staff can see the field on the member's public profil, but the available parameters permit also to the member to see it.

I confirm that the lack of this feature is quite annoying.

Please IPS, do something

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