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  On 9/4/2017 at 11:48 PM, Adriano Faria said:

I'll post tomorrow in the morning theHTML of this specific part then you compare with your custom theme. 


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  • I've removed two posts from this topic as there's no need to allow a support topic to descend to what is not far off insulting. Lets try to keep it civil. Thank you.

  • Adriano Faria
    Adriano Faria

    I can't reproduce: Not sure why it is pointing on a file called CATEGORIES.PHP, when the right one is CATEGORY.PHP. I should have changed that in some point, so it's a FALSE positive th

  • Adriano Faria
    Adriano Faria

    Yes: Actually, I've made a clean in a lot of things that I thought was not necessary. But this and a few other things I decided to keep but all of them are perfectly removeable by settings.

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Tested now on and LD and it works fine too:


Anyway, see how it is in your custom theme: links -> front -> view -> view. Below is the date added and date update part:

					<li class="ipsDataItem">
						<span class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size4"><strong>{lang="submitted"}</strong></span>
						<span class="ipsDataItem_generic">{datetime="$link->added"}</span>
						<meta itemprop='dateCreated' content='{expression="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $link->submitted )->format( 'Y-m-d' )"}'>
					{{if $link->updated != $link->added}}
						<li class="ipsDataItem">
							<span class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size4"><strong>{lang="updated"}</strong></span>
							<span class="ipsDataItem_generic">{datetime="$link->updated"}</span>
							<meta itemprop='dateModified' content='{expression="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $link->updated )->format( 'Y-m-d' )"}'>


Where can I download version 4.1 or 4.2? I'm running ipb 4.2 but upgrading from 3.4. 

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  On 9/8/2017 at 2:33 PM, Telemacus2 said:

Where can I download version 4.1 or 4.2? I'm running ipb 4.2 but upgrading from 3.4. 

HI there. Please refer to:

Out of curiosity, why use the 4.1 first? You can go straight to 4.2 version. I don't remember any restriction.

No reason! I thought maybe you couldn't upgrade from 3.4 to 4.2 (as in 4.2 being the version for ipb 4.0, 4.1). 

  • Author

I see there's a note in the file:



  • Each purchase entitles you to use of Links on one Community installation.
  • Upgrade tested only from versions 4.1.1 and 4.1.0. So if you're using an older version, update to 4.1.X first.

Honestly I haven't tested an upgrade from 3.4 to 4.2. I don't use 3.4 for ages now.

Well, you can do that. Upgrade to 4.1 version first then right after finish, upgrade to 4.2 version. If you go to public side it will show an error due to reputation, etc.

I decided to uninstall my previous version, as many of the links were outdated anyway. (from applications-> out of date applications) 

Then I tried a new fresh install. But this is the error that I'm getting:

2C133/4 The application you are attempting to install appears to be installed already. To reinstall the application you must first uninstall it.

Never mind. After a few more tries, it decided to work. :-?  


  On 9/5/2017 at 12:14 PM, Adriano Faria said:

<li class="ipsDataItem"> <span class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size4"><strong>{lang="submitted"}</strong></span> <span class="ipsDataItem_generic">{datetime="$link->added"}</span> <meta itemprop='dateCreated' content='{expression="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $link->submitted )->format( 'Y-m-d' )"}'> </li> {{if $link->updated != $link->added}} <li class="ipsDataItem"> <span class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size4"><strong>{lang="updated"}</strong></span> <span class="ipsDataItem_generic">{datetime="$link->updated"}</span> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='{expression="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $link->updated )->format( 'Y-m-d' )"}'> </li> {{endif}}

this is what I have

<div class="ipsPageHeader ipsClearfix ipsSpacer_bottom">
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			<div data-controller="links.front.links.view" data-linkId="{$link->id}">
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							<meta itemprop='dateCreated' content='{expression="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $link->submitted )->format( 'Y-m-d' )"}'>
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						<span class="ipsPager_title ipsType_light ipsType_break">{lang="$link->container()->_title" wordbreak="true"}</span>
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						<span class="ipsPager_title ipsType_light ipsType_break">{wordbreak="$next->mapped('title')"}</span>
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						<span class="ipsPager_title ipsType_light ipsType_break">{lang="$link->container()->_title" wordbreak="true"}</span>
		<hr class='ipsHr'>
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	{{if count( $otherLinks )}}
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					<span class='ipsCarousel_shadow ipsCarousel_shadowRight'></span>
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					<a href='#' class='ipsCarousel_nav ipsHide' data-action='next'><i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i></a>


I checked your fix and it is working now .

Thanks for your support - problem solved :)

  • Author

What's New in Version 5.1.1:


  • Rework in club post screen
  • A few templates tweaks to make a category (without permission to submit links) to act like a container to subcategories
  • Added link to the links in Admin CP -> Links and Affialiates screens
  • Rework in the category icons


  • All bugs reported in the tracker

None of the thumbnail generators work now. except maybe the paid one. Not sure.

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No change in APIs were made; only template edits. Anyway, I just tested on my site and they are offline too.

We're on a weekend. They are free services, etc. Probably they are in maintenance.

Test again today later/tomorrow in the morning. 

  On 9/17/2017 at 2:52 PM, Adriano Faria said:

No change in APIs were made; only template edits. Anyway, I just tested on my site and they are offline too.

We're on a weekend. They are free services, etc. Probably they are in maintenance.

Test again today later/tomorrow in the morning. 

Still having issues. Is there a way I can edit a template to just include a picture of a link as default? and not bother with all this.

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  On 9/22/2017 at 8:22 PM, Netherlord said:

Still having issues. Is there a way I can edit a template to just include a picture of a link as default? and not bother with all this.

Not sure what you're requesting.

What issue are you having? Still not generating thumbs? WebThumbnail is working right now. Sneak.pw don't:


  On 9/23/2017 at 11:40 AM, Adriano Faria said:

Not sure what you're requesting.

What issue are you having? Still not generating thumbs? WebThumbnail is working right now. Sneak.pw don't:


Yeah thumbnail generation is not working, and when it is there are loading issues with trying to fetch images and failing.

I've switched to manually uploading now. So it's ok :D

Hi @Adriano Faria

I have a question. 

I am interested in this app. I am planning to use as a Business Directory, where businesses can ad menus, coupons, info, images etc....

I am also using the Classified app, that you help create and I love it!!

What would be the advantage of using The links directory as my Business directory instead of just adding business categories to my Classifieds app?

I know the link directory, a member can add a link, but besides that, what would be the big difference on using this as my business directory ?

Thank you for your time.



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  On 9/26/2017 at 6:53 PM, GoDuBois said:

Hi @Adriano Faria

I have a question. 

I am interested in this app. I am planning to use as a Business Directory, where businesses can ad menus, coupons, info, images etc....

I am also using the Classified app, that you help create and I love it!!

What would be the advantage of using The links directory as my Business directory instead of just adding business categories to my Classifieds app?

I know the link directory, a member can add a link, but besides that, what would be the big difference on using this as my business directory ?

Thank you for your time.


For this specific use, I'd suggest you use this https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7756-sd-company-directory/


Yes, and no hurry at all for me, just letting you know.


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What's New in Version 5.1.2:


  • Fix: Display only approved links in stats
  • Fix: UPLOAD extra field type

New Features:

  • Link image in PROMOTE (image below)
  • New setting (Show URL domain?) to display the URL domain in Visit bottom on link view (image below)





I recently renewed my license and am now considering installling this on another site.

I've got a couple of questions / suggestions.

1) At present, I don't think it's possible to add a link to more than 1 category. There are many scenarios where this would be pretty useful. Imagine mine was a coding site, and I had links to sites of great ipb coders, and had classified them in different categories, say... languages. Portuguese, English, Italian, whatever... If I add a coder and his site to one of those categories, say Portuguese, I'd have to create another link in the English speaking category, and possibly more categories! (Not sure if this is even possible at present, because the old app detected the url and said that a new link couldn't have the same url as an existing one. 

Even if were possible to have 2 different links sharing the same url, this would still be a bit messy, because when it came to ratings, the votes for the same link in one category could be different from those in another category, and so on. 

Of course this is just one of many possible scenarios, this happened to me all the time with the 3.4.2 app. 

2) I don't think this is possible at present either (but I could be totally wrong!). I'd like links to have a "weight" value. Thus, the ones with more weight will be at the top and listed first. Admins can change the weight manually. 

Why? basically, I think it makes a lot of sense to put paid links at the top of the list. And when there are no paid links, I would also like to see some links listed first, maybe because I honestly think they're the best, perhaps because they're other sites of mine (and it makes little sense to see my own links listed on page 4!), or for whatever reason. 

Perhaps a more technical word than "weight" would be "link positioning". :D 

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