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Ok You! Listen up!

Brian Klein

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Laugh out Loudl, I'm just kidding, but I do have an idea and some feedback I would like to give.


For Invision Power Board 4.0


So as of right now, support is located in the 'NAV BAR' with no way to remove it (officially) without paying someone cash'ola to code it out or go through extensive hoops to find someone who knows how to do it, OR doing it yourself, but again if I am new and paying for service from a suite, I could bug the techs all day to do it (as if they don't have enough on their plates).


I purpose that you allow support a switch in the "Applications" area, since it is under commerce as is and allow us to hide it. Like in my case I prefer the old-school method to it and want it in the profile menu when they click their name. But I was not given this option. I think it is important shouldn't be on the navbar section. I know there are a few people out there that like it there, one of them, I am not.

My life long dream is to see a switch, I yern for this switch (or button if ye' prefer.) in the apps -> Commerce section. If I could oh but have this one dream.


For those of you who are interested in how I was able to add a link into the profile section I offer the other post I've created as a guide. Located here


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Even tho I make the glorious addon, CJ Menu, I'll throw you a bone :)

Replace core/front/global/navBar with the contents from below, should hide the Support button :)

<nav class='ipsLayout_container'>
	<div class='ipsClearfix' id='elSearchNavContainer' data-controller='core.front.core.navBar'>
		{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'search' ) ) AND !in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}
			<div id='elSearch' class='ipsPos_right' data-controller='core.front.core.quickSearch' itemprop="potentialAction" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/SearchAction">
				<form accept-charset='utf-8' action='{url="app=core&module=search&controller=search" seoTemplate="search"}' method='{{if settings.use_friendly_urls and settings.htaccess_mod_rewrite}}get{{else}}post{{endif}}'>
					<meta itemprop="target" content="{url="app=core&module=search&controller=search&q=" seoTemplate="search"}{q}">
					<a href='#' id='elSearchFilter' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-selectable='radio' data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#elSearch' class="ipsHide">
						<span data-role='searchingIn'>
						<i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i>
					<ul id='elSearchFilter_menu' class='ipsMenu ipsMenu_selectable ipsMenu_narrow ipsHide'>
						<li class='ipsMenu_item ipsMenu_itemChecked' data-ipsMenuValue='all'>
							<a href='{url="app=core&module=search&controller=search" csrf="1"}' title='{lang="search_everything"}'>{lang="search_everything"}</a>
						<li class='ipsMenu_sep'><hr></li>
						{{if count( output.contextualSearchOptions )}}
							{{foreach output.contextualSearchOptions as $name => $data}}
								<li class='ipsMenu_item' data-ipsMenuValue='{expression="json_encode( $data )"}' data-options='{expression="json_encode( $data )"}'>
									<a href='#'>{$name}</a>
							<li class='ipsMenu_sep'><hr></li>
						<li data-role='globalSearchMenuOptions'></li>
						<li class='ipsMenu_item ipsMenu_itemNonSelect'>
							<a href='{url="app=core&module=search&controller=search" seoTemplate="search"}' accesskey='4'><i class='fa fa-cog'></i> {lang="advanced_search"}</a>
					<input type='search' id='elSearchField' placeholder='{lang="search_placeholder"}' name='q' itemprop="query-input">
					<button type='submit'><i class='fa fa-search'></i></button>
		<ul id='ipsLayout_mainNav' class='ipsPos_left'>
			{{if !in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}
					{{$extensions = ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->isrtl ) ? array_reverse( \IPS\Application::allExtensions( 'core', 'FrontNavigation' ) ) : \IPS\Application::allExtensions( 'core', 'FrontNavigation' );}}
					{{foreach $extensions as $id => $nav}}
					{{if $nav->canView() and $id != 'nexus_Support'}}
						{{$tabId = uniqid();}}
						<li data-role='navItem'>
							<a id="elNavigation_app_{expression="strtok( $id, '_')"}_{$tabId}" href='{$nav->link()}' class='elNavigation_app_{$id}{{if $nav->active()}} ipsNavActive{{endif}}' {{if $children = $nav->children()}}data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-activeClass='ipsNavActive_menu'{{endif}}>
								{{if $children}}
									&nbsp;<i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i>
							{{if $children}}
								<ul id="elNavigation_app_{expression="strtok( $id, '_')"}_{$tabId}_menu" class="ipsMenu ipsMenu_auto ipsHide">
									{template="navBarChildren" app="core" group="global" params="$children"}
			<li class='ipsHide' id='elNavigationMore' data-role='navMore'>
				<a href='#' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#elNavigationMore' id='elNavigationMore_dropdown'>{lang="more"} <i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i></a>
				<ul class='ipsHide ipsMenu ipsMenu_auto' id='elNavigationMore_dropdown_menu'></ul>
			{{if member.group['g_view_board']}}
				<li class='ipsHide cCommunityHome'><a href='{setting="base_url"}' title='{lang="go_community_home"}'><i class='fa fa-angle-left'></i> {lang="community_home"}</a></li>


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