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characters problem


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When I upgrade my IPB 3.4.7 to 4.0.0 RC2 all characters, including user names and tags, crashes, in all the forum posts and files. For example:


"As regras entram em vigor a partir do momento em que você acessa o site. O desrespeito à essas regras poderá resultar em infrações, suspensões temporárias e permanentes da sua conta."

turn it:


"As regras entram em vigor a partir do momento em que você acessa o site. O desrespeito à essas regras poderá resultar em infrações, suspensões temporárias e permanentes da sua conta."

What happened there?

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It sounds like a problem with the conversion to UTF8. I would recommend submitting a ticket so we can take a look.

@Ryan Ashbrook ​I've the same problem but you normally fixed it in december (but seems not fixed with RC2).

Can you have a look at ticket 902021 (old ticket normally fixed), 907634 (new ticket) and this bug report : http://community.invisionpower.com/4bugtrack/rc1-accent-problem-r2875/


Thank you :)

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It sounds like a problem with the conversion to UTF8. I would recommend submitting a ticket so we can take a look.

​I restored 3.4.7 version of my site through a backup that I made in cPanel. It is impossible to perform the upgrade again by this way, because it corrupt all the site content. 

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