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Troubleshoot with 11 simple steps for getting more info for your topics for better/faster support

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Hi :)

I am reading often on the IPB forums from members that looking for help to post a few details or none and that is not helping us to help them so i decide to create this topic :)

It will be great if users can include the bellow info in there topics so they can get faster recommendations and avoid wasting time with the same questions on every topic.

So in my opinion a good starting report will be to have the bellow info:

1)What kind of problem do you have and when you have the problem? - (Daily? Every x minutes/hours?)

1)What kind of hosting do you use? - ( Shared? Vps? Dedicated? )

2)If vps or dedicated what kind of specifications? - (Cpu? Ram?)

3)What kind of operating system do you use? - (Centos? Ubuntu?)

4)What web server software do you use? - (Apache? Nginx? - Phpfpm? Mysql? MariaDB? - Any opcode cache like Apc or Zendopcache? - Any firewall?)

5)Post the content of httpd.conf for Apache or from the nginx.conf for Nginx on your topic.Also post the content from the mysql config file my.cnf.(You can locate them using from ssh the command):

locate filename.conf

6)Add to your topic also the output of this command from ssh:

crontab -l

7)Add to your topic also the output of this command from ssh:

top -n 1

8)Add to your topic also the output of this command from ssh:

free -m

9)Add to your topic also the output of this command from ssh:

netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

10)Add to your topic also the output of this command from ssh:

netstat -n | grep :80 |wc -l

11)Install and run mysqltuner script and post the output in your topic:

wget https://raw.github.com/rackerhacker/MySQLTuner-perl/master/mysqltuner.pl
chmod +x mysqltuner.pl 


With the above simple 11 steps we will be able to provide better help for all of you :)



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