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Quick question but loving it!


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Overall I'm loving the new features, look, and feel. Yes there are a few things that seem a bit off or counter-intuitive, but I'm positive those will get resolved in time. This is definitely a step up IMO from the previous versions of IPB. Although to some extent I can't seem to shake the VB5 look of it. :/

And I like the Block Mgr but it needs some more help. They either disappear after putting them up like the Announcements , or they just don't want to stick at all. It's frustrating. The announcement should stay up as long as I want. Instead its there once then, I refresh and its gone.

I added a banner to the top of the forum, and there is a space between the main forum and the banner. How do I remove that? The coding is different and I've been searching with no luck. 

This is gonna take some getting used to. lol

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Overall I'm loving the new features, look, and feel. Yes there are a few things that seem a bit off or counter-intuitive, but I'm positive those will get resolved in time. This is definitely a step up IMO from the previous versions of IPB. Although to some extent I can't seem to shake the VB5 look of it. :/

And I like the Block Mgr but it needs some more help. They either disappear after putting them up like the Announcements , or they just don't want to stick at all. It's frustrating. The announcement should stay up as long as I want. Instead its there once then, I refresh and its gone.

I added a banner to the top of the forum, and there is a space between the main forum and the banner. How do I remove that? The coding is different and I've been searching with no luck. 

This is gonna take some getting used to. lol

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Found in css / global / framework / misc.css


	.ipsUserPhoto_large img, img.ipsUserPhoto_large, .ipsUserPhoto_large:after {
		width: 90px;
		height: 90px;
		{{if theme.rounded_photos}}
			border-radius: 45px;

Change the 90px to whatever you require - you may need to adjust the border radius.

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