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Memory problem


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64mb is awfully low. I'm surprised you could run the 3 series effectively on that. You'll need more memory on your server for the 4 series almost certainly. Unless you are dead broke there are many cheap hosting options out there for a couple bucks a month that have at least 256mb or greater.

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The problem is when your host is godaddy... it is 64Mb limit with the old Godaddy Control Panel, and if you want more memory you have to change to a new cPanel Godaddy account, so you must migrate everything to a new host also in Godaddy and then have 500 Mb of memory limit



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If the upgrader and installer are inconsistent in this manner, submit a bug report.  We can probably still allow you to start the upgrade, but of course if you hit memory issues the response will be "you need at least the default minimum memory limit that PHP installs with (128MB)".

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The problem is when your host is godaddy... it is 64Mb limit with the old Godaddy Control Panel, and if you want more memory you have to change to a new cPanel Godaddy account, so you must migrate everything to a new host also in Godaddy and then have 500 Mb of memory limit



​What's worse:

  1. Having a severely limiting web server
  2. Spending a day or two migrating and getting used to a new control panel


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