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Tables keep crashing....

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First, I am not very technically proficient in IPS, but I have a forum with over 5 million posts. The site uses the latest version of IPS software and is hosted on a Virtual Private Server (VPS). The VPS currently has 2 GB of dedicated RAM and 50 GB of disk space.

When the site is busy it will use all 2 GB of RAM dedicated to the VPS, and as much other RAM available on the server that's not being used by other VPS containers on the same server. When the other sites aren't using much RAM I get better performance, but when they do, the site suffers because the 2 GB limit just isn't enough for peak times.

The main issue is I get a lot of SQL issues with tables crashing. It happens at least twice a week. Does anyone have any advice and has anyone else had this issue?

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Time for a dedicated server I reckon. I'm on a dedicated server with 4gb of memory and that's only just enough. 280,000 posts and around 20,000 members. I delete inactive members and in the past have deleted old topics.

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Time to upgrade...

You can start shopping for a dedicated, or a simpler option would be to upgrade your vps further. But I feel that upgrading vps may not be enough--to a point where vps doesn't make sense, though it really depends on how active your traffic is.

A webserver really should never reach max memory. Because a webserver playing in swap really sucks. And a webserver that ran out of swap (or absense of one) will crash. And corruption may occur... which moves on to the next point.

As for your sql tables crashing...

Simple answer: Try converting to innodb if you're using myisam.

Longer answer: It's hard to really know what caused it to crash. High traffic is actually a potential cause. Because myisam is actually quite easy to crash.




Um... I just thought of a million things to write and realized there's no way I'm writing all that... lol

Summarized version! If you overload your myisam (via settings, resource, etc), there's a tendency of myisam trackers being misaligned. And it marks it as "crashed". A simple restore probably fixed it for you. innodb doesn't have this problem (as much).

So, an upgrade may be a solution to both of your problems. Or you can play around with innodb for the tables that are crashing.

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