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Download: (SOS33) Shoutbox Extender

Adriano Faria

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File Name: (SOS33) Shoutbox Extender
File Submitter: Adriano Faria
File Submitted: 01 Nov 2011
File Updated: 24 Mar 2012
File Category: Hooks and Plugins

This hook extends Shoutbox by creating a shout when new topics are posted and a shout when new replies are posted. You can configure which user groups can use it and in which forums.


  • IP.Board 3.3.X & 3.2.X
  • Shoutbox 1.3.X & 1.2.X

Copyright Note:
  • This hook is a simple update of [MD31] IP.Shoutbox Extender 1.0.1 for IP.Board 3.1.X from Massive Dynamics.

Click here to download this file
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Probably because you disabled URL BBCode in your Shoutbox. You can see in my screenshot that it works. :smile:

I was using this one before "(M32) Shoutbox Topic Alert" and every thing work fine, but the one you posted not and i have not disabled BBCode in the shoutbox either,so i'm not sure why it coming out like that.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I didn't quite get my point across. The previous add on I had made the topic title AND the forum into links. So people could click "Testing" (in your example) and it would link to the topic.

I'm also looking for this,

For replies I think it would be helpful if it linked to the actual reply itself vs. the first post.
For topics Link to the topic and to the forum.
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  • 1 month later...

It has no bug, so there's no need to update.

If you're talking about the links someone else asked, it can't be done. This hook uses DATA HOOK and the data hook point is executed before the data is actually saved, so I don't have a way to use the ID of new topic or reply to create a link.

Also installed the original version of this hook on a 3.1.4 board and it is exacly like mine: doesn't create links! Someone said that but he's wrong.

Take a look at the screenshot of original file; there's no links: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3563-md31-ipshoutbox-extender-101/

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...


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