Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
June 13, 201113 yr Nope, not a bug. I was hoping that was not the case. Cannot see the logic on that one having given the admin the option of keeping avatars or photos.
June 13, 201113 yr We have been saying this since 1month and no one bothers .. this skin is clean but childish ..its going backward like a newspaper 1980 style. If IPB release this skin .. IPB will become laughing stock as if some kid made skin and released. Solution is .. make modern skin using gradients suiting 2011 demands. You sir. Have absolutely no concept of design. Seriously.
June 13, 201113 yr 1. Could we have some kind of guess as to when the final release will be? I know and understand the difficulty in sticking to a certain timeframe for a release, so I'm not asking for anything like that, but this is the first time I've followed a beta release so I really have no idea... how long does the beta cycle usually take? Just some kind of x amounts of months answer would be helpful. 2. Will 3.1 skins work on IPB 3.2, and if not, would it be possible to work on a 3.1 skin to make it compatible (rather than starting with a 3.2 skin and making it look like 3.1), and how difficult would this be? Thanks.
June 13, 201113 yr 1) Best guess 1-2 months - unlikely to be June, more likely July, but could be August. 2) 3.1 skins will not work, but can be updated to work with 3.2
June 13, 201113 yr 1) Best guess 1-2 months - unlikely to be June, more likely July, but could be August. 2) 3.1 skins will not work, but can be updated to work with 3.2 With so many people not liking the removal of some Features from 3.1.4, i guess it may take more than 2 months if Invision wants their costumers happy again.
June 13, 201113 yr With so many people not liking the removal of some Features from 3.1.4, i guess it may take more than 2 months if Invision wants their costumers happy again. Its just people that can't handle change very well, or don't like change. Happens every time. If companies did exactly what their customers wanted, then nothing would ever get done. Sometimes you have to just go with it.
June 13, 201113 yr Overall there are plenty of things I like. So it is easier to point out the things I don't like. I really like the base skin. I also like the new text editor. I don't like the changes made to the avatar system. I am also not a big fan of the new topic markers. (topic read, go to last unread message, etc). (I realize this is personal preference). The font size for the breadcrumb seems rather small. (I realize this one is also personal preference). On the mobile skin. I might be wrong but it seems that when I read a topic scrolling all the way down (just the normal way you would read a topic) there is no link at the bottom of the page to go back to the topics listing. Also, maybe I am alone in this... The sign in little pop up does not "fetch" my user name and passwords (when I have saved them using Firefox) meaning I have to type them every time or open the sign in link in another tab. That annoys me somewhat, there is a reason I wanted the browser to remember my user name and password.
June 13, 201113 yr Its just people that can't handle change very well, or don't like change. Happens every time. If companies did exactly what their customers wanted, then nothing would ever get done. Sometimes you have to just go with it. But it doesn't mean that the change is for the better! Some of the changes that have taken place in 3.2 are for the worse IMO.
June 13, 201113 yr Its just people that can't handle change very well, or don't like change. Happens every time. If companies did exactly what their customers wanted, then nothing would ever get done. Sometimes you have to just go with it. One thing, is to change a feature, that people will not like at first, but may like after some time. Another thing, is to remove features totally...
June 13, 201113 yr 1) Best guess 1-2 months - unlikely to be June, more likely July, but could be August. 2) 3.1 skins will not work, but can be updated to work with 3.2 Thanks. So if I was to say, for example, use the default 3.1 skin on my 3.2 installation, is there some kind of list of something of the parts I would need to update so that the skin is functional?
June 13, 201113 yr Its up to IPS to make the final decisions, and if they think it will help them against their competition and improve their software then thats their decision.
June 13, 201113 yr But be specific about what you don't like otherwise the staff does not know what may need changing, improving, etc.
June 13, 201113 yr Thanks. So if I was to say, for example, use the default 3.1 skin on my 3.2 installation, is there some kind of list of something of the parts I would need to update so that the skin is functional? 3.2 uses an entirely different css structure, so your 3.1 skins will look completely horrible on 3.2. You will basically have to rebuild the entire skin from the ground up. Here is an image of the 3.1.4 skin running on 3.2 Beta 1... As you can see, there is more wrong with that skin than there is right. It would be best to just simply rebuild the 3.1.4 skin on 3.2 than to try to import it and make it work...
June 13, 201113 yr But be specific about what you don't like otherwise the staff does not know what may need changing, improving, etc. The staff should be well aware of what people don't like from the amount of threads found throughout this board and the customer lounge. Honestly, the release of 3.2 seems like it could go either way at this point.
June 13, 201113 yr I agree it's a bit too bland. Especially in the areas that show who's reading a topic or who's online, it looks unfinished. When I look at it, I look at a kid coder who's trying to design his own forum software but hasn't done any real skinning to it yet so it's just a bunch of white backgrounds with content on them. :-\ We have been saying this since 1month and no one bothers .. this skin is clean but childish ..its going backward like a newspaper 1980 style. If IPB release this skin .. IPB will become laughing stock as if some kid made skin and released. Solution is .. make modern skin using gradients suiting 2011 demands. Not sure what you two are on about. There was a topic over on XF where many of the XF fans were giving props to the new style of 3.2. The first time I saw the new look, my jaw just about dropped to the floor because of how amazing it looked. As others have said, if there's something you don't like about it, then change it. I like the way that the attention is now more focused on the actual content instead of feeling like you're in a space shuttle looking at a buttload of switches and not knowing what to click first. I wasn't happy with the new ACP look when 3.0 was first introduced but when I first saw the ACP of 3.2, I loved it. One thing I saw mentioned was that they didn't like the fact that the avatar and photo were combined, which was done after so many people complained about there being two separate images to keep track of. In time, those who design skins for a living will update their skins to work with 3.2 and may even find ways to take advantage of the new style at the same time, so that people get the nice sleek look while keeping the desired bloated look as well.
June 13, 201113 yr With so many people not liking the removal of some Features from 3.1.4, i guess it may take more than 2 months if Invision wants their costumers happy again.With so many people (citation needed) 3.2 is the best forum IPB has made so far since Ikonboard. It is cleaner and more efficient. It WILL require some work but that is what you pay for having tools that are modern, efficient and secure. If redoing your skin is too much to ask for then maybe you should look somewhere else. This is why there are betas so one can start working on redoing their skin before upgrading and provide feedback in the meantime. Giving you an improved product sometyimes require that a less efficient code be replaced and most of the time when that happens you will need to do some work. But that comes as expected with online apps, upgrading to a better version sometimes require work, that is the price you pay for quality I guess.
June 14, 201113 yr The default skin is too bland and plain. That's why it's the default. It's completely editable, changeable. Really, everyone complaining about the default skin...I just don't see it. Editing the skin in 3.2 is easy (And this is coming from someone who use to only have a background skinning for things like 1.3.1vFinal on those free forum hosts...), and I have to say it's by far one of the easiest sets I've seen to edit. The default skin shouldn't be the main concern when looking at a software overall. After all *those other guys* default skins aren't always that good looking either. That's why skinners exist in the first place. After all, if everyone liked the default, there'd be no need for skinners. Secondly, I love IPB 3.2. Yeah, I might have a few ticks about the software (Phototar [avatar/photo] being one of the main ones), but I like the improvements. Ajax posting is an excellent feature, as are several other things I could go look up right now if I wanted to. I actually can't wait for the Full Release, as my community wants the software like yesterday. Especially after I did a lottery to allow 5 members to join our 3.2 test boards, and posted quoted feedback from them. So yes, I will certainly be updating. Just a few nick nacks and whatnot. -Nowe
June 14, 201113 yr That's why it's the default. It's completely editable, changeable. Really, everyone complaining about the default skin...I just don't see it. Editing the skin in 3.2 is easy (And this is coming from someone who use to only have a background skinning for things like 1.3.1vFinal on those free forum hosts...), and I have to say it's by far one of the easiest sets I've seen to edit. The default skin shouldn't be the main concern when looking at a software overall. After all *those other guys* default skins aren't always that good looking either. That's why skinners exist in the first place. After all, if everyone liked the default, there'd be no need for skinners. Secondly, I love IPB 3.2. Yeah, I might have a few ticks about the software (Phototar [avatar/photo] being one of the main ones), but I like the improvements. Ajax posting is an excellent feature, as are several other things I could go look up right now if I wanted to. I actually can't wait for the Full Release, as my community wants the software like yesterday. Especially after I did a lottery to allow 5 members to join our 3.2 test boards, and posted quoted feedback from them. So yes, I will certainly be updating. Just a few nick nacks and whatnot. -Nowe VB has good default skin Xenforo has a good default skin both have better than IPB default then why not IPB can have good default skin ?
June 14, 201113 yr VB has good default skin Xenforo has a good default skin both have better than IPB default then why not IPB can have good default skin ? Oh god, you actually think vBulletin has a good default skin. *facepalms*
June 14, 201113 yr VB has good default skin Xenforo has a good default skin both have better than IPB default then why not IPB can have good default skin ? IPB has a much better skin than VB. Reading your posts, one has to ask.... Why do you use IPB if you are so anti it?
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