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Features keeping me with vBulletin...


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We do need a way to change the default new post view.... is this something we can edit somewhere manually for now?

  • 4 weeks later...

New posts: I know what you mean, to get the functionality you want you need everyone to change their personal setting to posts I have not read, from its default. I have asked a few times for an admin over-ride on this to set it across the board, but nothing has arrived yet.

Sadly I do not believe there is a way to set this board wise - would be nice - but it is not a unique field in the database - am hoping this will be changed for 3.2.

Also one thing I noticed is when I quote with vb the quote instantly goes in the quick reply box not a redirect to a full reply box.

Seems far more logical to me than the full reply box or a quick quote option on posts
  • 2 weeks later...

It is a great feature.

Also one thing I noticed is when I quote with vb the quote instantly goes in the quick reply box not a redirect to a full reply box.

I noticed this too. It is handled more elegantly in VB. I believe IPB could emulate this merely by relabeling the "Reply" button to "Quote." Then the two buttons would be "Quote" and "Multiquote."

A plain old non-quote reply would be entered in the Fast Reply box. Simple.

For a pseudo-objective measure, upload your photo to hotornot.com MR. PRESIDENT! :thumbsup:

Did you or IPB realize that your username is causing issues? It comes through email as all garbage characters


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