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My feedback


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Since 2006 I have been a customer of vBulletin.

Since I really disagreed with there vB4 development I had to look elsewhere I hated the plans and the way they didn't listen to customers.

Anyway less of the bashing vBulletin I came over to IPB.

And what can I say the friendliness of the team over at IPB is great the next stages of development look fantastic.

However I don't like a few features.

For example new posts when they are shown they still show old posts it doesn't work exactly like vBulletins did I think this needs changing to make finding JUST new posts simple.

Another thing I would like to see is to be able to set a your default font in your settings area this is a nice addition that will prevent me having to add it every post and gives your posts that little extra personal touch.

Also the option to have post icons and smilies shown by default on reply and creating new posts as it's easy for new members who haven't used a forum before to think we don't have these.

And also the option to turn off topic descriptions.

It would also be nice to have prefix's for topics and a better user permission system like vBulletins where there set for each individual usergroup.

However in all honesty the good well out weighs the bad I just hope IPB team doesn't change the friendliness and great customer service and pricing is so reasonable, fair and just fantastic :D

Please keep it up it's like a family here :D


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Thank you for your feedback :)

Fonts: there is a modification available to allow each member to have a chosen font / color for their posts.

Post icons: It's quite easy to simply skin a little bit out the post form to have the post options display, and I believe there's also another small skin edit to restore them to the forum view (as they were with 2.x.x) if required.

Topic Prefix: I have seen a modification for this for 3.0.x although I cannot recall where I saw it off-hand.

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Since 2006 I have been a customer of vBulletin.

Since I really disagreed with there vB4 development I had to look elsewhere I hated the plans and the way they didn't listen to customers.

Anyway less of the bashing vBulletin I came over to IPB.

And what can I say the friendliness of the team over at IPB is great the next stages of development look fantastic.

However I don't like a few features.

For example new posts when they are shown they still show old posts it doesn't work exactly like vBulletins did I think this needs changing to make finding JUST new posts simple.

This isn't vBulletin 'nor is it trying to be.

You can change how 'view new content' works in your User CP http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp

Another thing I would like to see is to be able to set a your default font in your settings area this is a nice addition that will prevent me having to add it every post and gives your posts that little extra personal touch.

Also the option to have post icons and smilies shown by default on reply and creating new posts as it's easy for new members who haven't used a forum before to think we don't have these.

And also the option to turn off topic descriptions.

It would also be nice to have prefix's for topics and a better user permission system like vBulletins where there set for each individual usergroup.

See my point above :thumbsup:

However in all honesty the good well out weighs the bad I just hope IPB team doesn't change the friendliness and great customer service and pricing is so reasonable, fair and just fantastic :D

Please keep it up it's like a family here :D


Glad you feel a part of the IPS customer family ! They've definately got a fantastic set of products on the go.
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[size="3"][color="#4169e1"]It would also be nice to have prefix's for topics and a better user permission system like vBulletins where there set for each individual usergroup.[/color][/size]

I just have one question - can you clarify what you mean by this exactly? I think I've seen you mention this elsewhere, and having never used vBulletin's permission system, I'm not sure what you mean exactly. :)
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Welcome to IPB :)

For example new posts when they are shown they still show old posts it doesn't work exactly like vBulletins did I think this needs changing to make finding JUST new posts simple.

We've changed the view new content feature in 3.1, you can check the blog for more information on that.

Another thing I would like to see is to be able to set a your default font in your settings area this is a nice addition that will prevent me having to add it every post and gives your posts that little extra personal touch.

We don't really get this request very often, I'm not personally against it, but I don't think it's a high priority feature for us.

Also the option to have post icons and smilies shown by default on reply and creating new posts as it's easy for new members who haven't used a forum before to think we don't have these.

You can edit the skin template to move those out of the hidden option area if you like. We found this was a feature that almost no one made use of, so we put it with the other rarely used options to keep the post form cleaner.

And also the option to turn off topic descriptions.

You can skin this out if you want, but I don't think we'll add a setting to disable them.

It would also be nice to have prefix's for topics and a better user permission system like vBulletins where there set for each individual usergroup.

We are planning to implement a tagging system in a future version, which would make topic prefixes a little redundant at that point. You'd have to elaborate more on a 'better permission system', before I could comment on that much.

However in all honesty the good well out weighs the bad I just hope IPB team doesn't change the friendliness and great customer service and pricing is so reasonable, fair and just fantastic :D

Glad you're enjoying IPB and thanks for the feedback! :)
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