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Paid Chat Upgrade - Still Limited


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Appears you found a flaw in our plan.

Your room max-online limit was indeed updated to 20 but for the server to realize the change has been made all of your current users in the room must leave for a few minutes for the system to "reset" so to speak.

We will look into making that automated but, for now, just ask everyone to leave for maybe 10 minutes then re-enter and it should be fine. You will only need to do that once.

Sorry about the oversight on our part :)

EDIT: I was able to manually force your room to see the new 20 online limit so ignore the leaving/re-entering part. You should be fine now.

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The cumulative capacity hit a limit but we raised that limit. We are being cautious with load since this is the first full day of release. Everyone should be fine now let us know if you have more issues.

Great just purchased the 50 user package after only asking for donations towards it less than an hour ago!
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I only have the 5 member pkg right now to see how it works but it says service is temporarily unavailable. Also I don't see where you set the Chat Room to only be on for certain hours of the day.

I guess this being the first day I should wait until everything is worked out?

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  • 2 years later...

I'm not sure if it's better to start a new thread or necro this one. However, the problem still exists today.

I've upgraded and we had to kick everyone and lock the chat down for a few minutes to "unlock" the new user limit.

Is this issue still on the radar? It's just a one time occurence mostly but to most who experience it it's a PITA :sweat:

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The chat room has to drop off the IPS server before the new limit is applied. The limit is updated on new room creation. Which means the room must be empty.

You could also put in a support ticket with the room number and a tech can manually kill the room.

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