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Download: iArcade System 1.0.0 Final

Andy Rixon

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lol it was his idea too.

Thats why he has to make it :P

For everyone out there, Ive got a new screencast showing our cleaner ACP.
New features include:
  • ERROR CHECKING! The system will now verify if a game was already installed before it installs it.
  • Tar and FTP uploads!
  • Easier Navication
  • Alphabetical Game Sorting
  • New Game Editor

I hope everyone likes the new ACP.
As always, feedback is welcome.
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Sorry, we had a death in the extended family so I am just now getting going good.

Go ahead and laugh, (w00t) It took me all day off and on to get my install to work. I was messing up in the paths. I have it working now and it looks great. The last video you posted is awesome.

Unless I overlooked it somewhere, I noticed that there are Categories 1.Game List 2.Weird Games 3.Arcade Games

Will the category handler be in the next release?

I found the Category discussed in your thread on the 15th, thanks.

You can manually configure categories on your own right now.

Ive found that there is no uniform categories in the tar importer, so that seemed a bit useless.

If anyone has done this and has the time, shoot me a PM maybe and give me a hint on how to do that. I'd like to try.

Thanks, and Andy congrats on becoming a father.
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Sorry, we had a death in the extended family so I am just now getting going good.

Go ahead and laugh, (w00t) It took me all day off and on to get my install to work. I was messing up in the paths. I have it working now and it looks great. The last video you posted is awesome.

Unless I overlooked it somewhere, I noticed that there are Categories 1.Game List 2.Weird Games 3.Arcade Games

Will the category handler be in the next release?

Im sorry about your loss.

Im working on changing the way paths work to help clear this up for people!

There was category support in beta4, but it got yanked at the last minute from the importer because of a bug I could not fix. You can still manually add and link to categories on your own until then, but some sort of category management is indeed planned for the future.
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Would it be posible for the next release that at the acp would be a option to sort the games a-z or install date ? because now they are ordered following the install.
The ftp install modulle works good, but would it possibly when installing a lot of games to have a option "install them all" ?


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Would it be posible for the next release that at the acp would be a option to sort the games a-z or install date ? because now they are ordered following the install.

The ftp install modulle works good, but would it possibly when installing a lot of games to have a option "install them all" ?



As you can see from the video, games in the ACP are now sorted A-Z.
This feature will come to your board shortly.

There will not be an "install all" feature, because as I have descriped in early posts, this is why we disabled the checkbox install. After 4-5 games, PHP would time out and cause errors. Unpacking the tars, moving files, and inserting to the DB for 100+ tars is no walk in the park.
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Cant belive I missed out on Beta testing on this :( My sites users have been craving this since upgrading from 2.3 because of the loss of the Arcade.

Any way i can get shoved on the end of the beta testers???? :angel::whistle:

I wouldn't have an issue with this, will have to see what Collin has to say first though, give him a PM :D
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I am sorry to say I am unable to test this version as I have just been informed that my best mate was shot and killed in Afghanistan this morning. I will be back when the funeral and everything is over. :( :( :(

Thanks anyway

Sorry about your lose Gerry, take it easy

There will be a RC very soon :)

Hopefully yes, if not, this will be a very long beta, as I go away in about 2 weeks for the birth of my first born :)
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