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Does the Invision license agreement define allowed forum content?


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What he means is that these are the restrictions:

So, yes but there are so little restrictions there may as well be none.

You may not: use the Software in such as way as to condone or encourage terrorism, promote or provide pirated Software, or any other form of illegal or damaging activity.

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[quote name='bfarber' date='16 October 2009 - 03:07 PM' timestamp='1255702036' post='1867486']
Don't use the software to do anything illegal. That's about the extent of our restrictions.

Just for clarification - is that illegal where Invision Power are registered or where the user is.

Not trying to be awkward, but this was a topic on some other forum software yesterday and got quite heated - so might be worth clarifying.

With laws varying around the globe, it could be confusing.


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[quote name='bfarber' date='16 October 2009 - 04:07 PM' timestamp='1255702036' post='1867486']
Don't use the software to do anything illegal. That's about the extent of our restrictions.

But.... illegal where ???? because things that are illegal in the USA and European Union are legal in other countries... and illegal for the country of the owner or illegal for the country of the hosting ???


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[quote name='pisaldi' date='17 October 2009 - 11:41 PM' timestamp='1255819272' post='1868145']
But.... illegal where ???? because things that are illegal in the USA and European Union are legal in other countries... and illegal for the country of the owner or illegal for the country of the hosting ???


I'm concerned as to what exactly you might be referring to :unsure:

If you're doing something illegal, I would think us telling you that breaks the terms of your license would be the least of your concerns.

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Controversial content can be legal in one country, while illegal in other countries. I know a Dutch website that gives hooker reviews, while another gives Amsterdam coffeeshop reviews. All perfectly legal in The Netherlands where these sites reside, but probably illegal under US law. I think there must be plenty examples of controversial content thats legal within specific areas. Plus: its virtually impossible to know exactly what has been posted on your forums. Unless you approve each post, before it becomes visible. But try that on a busy site.

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We don't police the internet. I think that's the most important thing.

If we were issued a court order by a judge with authority to do so to shut down a site we had control over, then naturally we'd be obliged to do so. If you run IPB in your own country and abide by your own local laws, then (notwithstanding the question of where your server is physically located) there's little authority for the US to do anything to you, or even care.

Ultimately, if this is a big issue for you, your best option is to inquire with a properly registered legal authority (i.e. an attorney here in the US) as to what your options and restrictions are.

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