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IPB 3.1.0 features

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OK, maybe is little soon, but I heard something that new features will be included in 3.1.0 version.

My first suggestion:

This could by unavailable to guests. They really do not need to know what are regular members doing on board and we save some queries.


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  • TrixieTang

    What I want to see in 3.1. Thread Tagging Option for users to ignore/hide threads based on tags. Option to make it so that when moderators ban a user the user's group is changed to the banned grou

  • I want to be able to download PM's/conversations in .txt .html .xml .cvs formats... Heck, any format would be nice.

  • I would love the ability to override a usergroup's permissions on a per-forum basis the way you can with vBulletin. Example: You run a company board, with a "help desk" forum, you want to give member

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This will be possible with a changement of code in skin...

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I know but I preffer setting for this in ACP.

Latest Activities Tab in Member Profile.
User Notifications - Facebook like Notifications that display the user staff like:
- Change in his topics (Pinned, Locked, Unlocked)
- "You have been Warned..."
- Friend Request
- Comment on Profile
- Replies to Watched topics.
- Promoted to new group.

All the things that now uses the PM System to notify the user will moved to Notifications System.
When you have a new PM you get that green star in your picture.
So the Notifications System will be red star.

[quote name='Axel Wers' date='27 June 2009 - 08:48 AM' timestamp='1246106929' post='1815502']
This could by unavailable to guests. They really do not need to know what are regular members doing on board and we save some queries.

Oooh, nice idea. But instead of not letting guests see it, it should be configurable by member group. "Can view the online list page?" So that they could see who's online in the board index, but not use the online page to see others activities. Could be useful for cutting down on the "sneaky" spam, because then a "newly registered" members group could be denied access to it and they wouldn't be able to watch and notice which threads are being read more than others at the current time.

I made some requests in a thread called Feature suggestions requests v3.1.x or later

* Disable edit post - if a mod makes a change, member changes it back, mod can make change again and then 'lock' that post from the member editing it again. * Disable topic reply - if they're stirring up too much trouble in a topic and won't take the hint to relax, then why lock the topic when the topic can remain open but the member not be allowed to post in that topic? Should be "suspend from replying to topic for [__] minutes/hours/days or [_] indefinitely". Perhaps even be able to suspend them from being able to read the topic. (Can see it's there but just can't read it) [*]I mentioned it before and I'll mention it again, just in case it helps to get it into v3.1. In the "top 20 posters" for the current day, making it so that the number of posts (for the last 24 hours) is a clickable link that would do a search for all of that members posts for that time period. Would be helpful when there is someone that has been a problem in the past and you want to see only their most recent activity to make sure that they aren't (advertising, causing flame wars, etc). [*]Search results default sorting method... In ACP, admin should be able to decide between relevance or most recent. Also whether or not to allow members to set their own preference (an admin may have a reason for forcing it to always be one or the other). When a new member joins, their choice should be set to the board's default choice. Also, staff should be able to disable relevance or date sorting.. Let's say that too many people gripe about how their results don't seem to be 'relevant' to their search, then the admin could turn it off and that would default everyone to the date sorting. Or if the admin wants people to come across older topics, perhaps to bring new life to them, then the dates sorting could be disabled. Just basically some additional controls over it. Admin should be able to modify a members sorting choice and also (similar to the skin tools), be able to change the choice for all of the members that are part of a member group. Yeah yeah, a lot of options for just one little thing but it has merit. At the very least, board default method (which would be the default for new members) and ability to force it as board wide or let members choose. [*]In ACP, when viewing/editing ban restrictions, have tabs for IP/Email and Name banning, where the tab being shown would be the default type of ban chosen when going to add new bans. (But could still change it before submitting). When submitting a new ban, then the tab for that ban type should be shown (if they add an email ban while on the IP tab, then take them to the email tab when the page loads). Also be nice to be able to submit multiple bans with one submit, so a multi-add form would be nice. Here's a major request. Be able to decide between wildcard and regular exp​ression format (per entry). I know that the wildcard bans are converted to regular exp​ressions for actual comparisons/matchings, but an admin would have greater power for banning multiple emails/names in one move if they could enter in a regular exp​ression directly. For example, if someone wants to ban a few email sites.. "@[ey]?mail\.(ru|nz|biz)" would cover a wide range of sites that have been known to cause problems. It's an example off the top of my head so please don't jump my case if it covers something it shouldn't or doesn't include something you think it should. :P [*]When you are on someone's profile and click to send them a PM, if you will not be able to complete that PM for some reason (user has their PM turned off for example), notify the user then instead of when they click the "send" button. If they do it from their own messenger, where they have to type in the name, then that's different. [*]Some way of detecting if the board is on an IPS server or not. If not, give the admin the option to not honor a members choice to not receive bulk emails. I don't know if IPS hosting customers can modify their own source but if not, then perhaps include a line to edit in a specific file that would enable the option. If it's not possible, then some option for being able to send out an email to everyone in the selected user groups in an effort to test email addresses. Way I see it, if someone doesn't have a valid email address, I don't want them to have access on the board. Wouldn't have to be a big email and could be something internal that can't be easily altered. Something small like "Account status checking" for the topic and inside a brief explanation letting the member know that no action is necessary, it's just checking for expired accounts and to please not mark it as spam. Also restricting how often it can be used would be a nice idea, to prevent abuse. [*]Facebook: * Be able to prohibit the creation of new accounts using FBC, but allow members to associate accounts with Facebook. * Allow admin access to view/edit a members Facebook information (including a link to view the members profile). [*]Custom profile fields: Include 2 lines that the admin can use, both optional of course. First line would be a URL/link line. Second would be a display format. Both would replace {content} with the members input. This would be useful when external services are made into fields, such as Twitter or Photobucket, etc. Also could be used to replace all the if/then and else-if statements in the skin to cover things like AIM, MSN, etc. [*]Invisible/Hidden forums. If set to invisible, then the member could see use it if they can get to it. Sometimes you just want to hide a forum from view (and from the drop down list) but want to include it some other way. :) [*]Topic/post "Notes" and a true "history". Perhaps more like a "change log". * Notes: staff notes on a topic or a specific post. For a topic, if there have been a couple of problems in that topic then someone could write a note that they've given a warning for things to settle down, before it needs to be locked, so other staff don't have to go digging around to find the warning or to see if one has been made. For a post, if a member got a warning about something they said in a post, then a note could be attached to say "I talked to them about their comments in this post." Also, a button to review any Report Center or Warn Panel activity. * History: If someone makes an edit to a post, have an original of that post saved away pre-edit. This should be done in a separate table, be optional (for obvious reasons) and also have an expiration so the old pre-edits eventually go away. (Should be several options related to this, such as when to expire a pre-edit copy, if the very original pre-edit should remain longer than other pre-edits, per group, etc). [*]IP.SubWay add-on! [*]I'll think of more later... I always do. ;) [*]Oh oh oh.. Per forum, force "Edit by" if a post is edited, even if that member is in a group that lets them remove that line. Exception would be if they also have ACP access.

[quote name='Ran Yefet' date='27 June 2009 - 08:40 AM' timestamp='1246110018' post='1815529']
Latest Activities Tab in Member Profile.

Stalk much? :lol:

[*]Per post/topic, disable someones ability to edit a post they have made or their ability to reply any further to that topic.

Another feature to add. Ability to have new registrations compared to collectible data from sites such as stopforumspam.com and how to act based on the information collected. Like if there are under 3 'hits' for the email address, allow the member to join without penalty. Under 7, able to join but are automatically put on a mod-que restriction (with the time of mod-Q being configurable). If they hit above that number (say 7), then they are told that they have failed a security check and need to contact the board administrator in order to be able to join, with a final value where they would just be informed that they will not be given any form of access on the board.

This would permit the admin to have levels of restriction based on the number of reports of that email (or IP address) being a spammer.

As another thought, perhaps it could be sort of like the rank system, where if the number of reports exceeds, what action to take.

I think that helps explain it better.

For checking for hits, then XML/API methods could be defined.

If number of

	[_]email hits exceeds [__]


	[_]IP hits exceeds [__], then

[_] Require email validation (if not already required)

[_] Require admin validation (if not already required)

[_] ModQ member for [__] minutes/hours/days/indefinitely

[_] Require user to contact admin first

[_] Reject user and [_]ban IP address for [__] min/hour/day/indefinitely (0 doesn't ban IP address)

[quote name='.Wolfie' date='27 June 2009 - 11:55 AM' timestamp='1246118146' post='1815593']
Another feature to add. Ability to have new registrations compared to collectible data from sites such as stopforumspam.com and how to act based on the information collected.

IPB3 already implements stopforumspam.com, it's just not as configurable as you would like it to be. Check the Security [Managing Members] settings or do a live search for 'spam'. You can configure it thru /ips_kernel/classStopForumSpam.php

While IPB3 is a great release, I would love to see significant improvements on the lofi skin and application management for admins.

My 2 cents:

[*]Tags! (Tags for forums, topics, posts, members, groups, apps, etc.).[*]Activity Stream! (Activity stream from the members I added as friends on my profile).[*]To publish my personal IPB activities stream on my Facebook's profile! (optional, of course).[*]RSS for Topics! (RSS for threads; not just for forums).

[quote name='Brandon D' date='27 June 2009 - 01:35 PM' timestamp='1246124120' post='1815634']
IPB3 already implements stopforumspam.com, it's just not as configurable as you would like it to be. Check the Security [Managing Members] settings or do a live search for 'spam'. You can configure it thru /ips_kernel/classStopForumSpam.php

While IPB3 is a great release, I would love to see significant improvements on the lofi skin and application management for admins.

I'm not finding it... I tried doing a live search for 'spam' and don't see anything that matches, unless I'm just being a dummy..

[quote name='nico81' date='27 June 2009 - 12:56 PM' timestamp='1246125385' post='1815644']

[*]Tags! (Tags for forums, topics, posts, members, groups, apps, etc.).

Official Social bookmarking would be nice too. It's in the blog system, but we can't do it for topics. I don't see how the systems should differ that much. Maybe make it a component so it that can work across all the different systems like blog, IPB, etc.

It would be nice to be able to twitter a blog or topic by just clicking a link from the board. Like say I want to twitter to all my friends that IPB just released 3.0. I should be able to click a link off the company news announcement and have it get twittered.

an official tagging component is long overdue. Personally I think it should happen before 3.1. IPB is getting too aged to wait for some of these features.

[quote name='sparc' date='27 June 2009 - 03:46 PM' timestamp='1246132005' post='1815723']
Official Social bookmarking would be nice too. It's in the blog system, but we can't do it for topics. I don't see how the systems should differ that much. Maybe make it a component so it that can work across all the different systems like blog, IPB, etc.


Warning/Reports system:

I would like to see the report center include reports of those who have been warned and by who. And how about adding in the posts waiting for moderator approval in the report center too?

Reputation System:

It would also be nice to disable some groups from using the reputation system. Currently, if you leave the current setting at 0 for the amount of rep one can add in 24 hours, it allows unlimited reputation. 0 should mean 0 IMO.

It would also be nice to disable certain members from using the reputation system.

[quote name='.Wolfie' date='27 June 2009 - 03:13 PM' timestamp='1246112025' post='1815544']
[*]Invisible/Hidden forums. If set to invisible, then the member could see use it if they can get to it. Sometimes you just want to hide a forum from view (and from the drop down list) but want to include it some other way. :)

For whatever reason, I had a forum set to allow global viewing but had the category not viewable by guests, but I was still able to go to the forum if I typed in the URL. It seems this already exists, it's just not mentioned.

[quote name='BacTalan' date='27 June 2009 - 09:13 PM' timestamp='1246151626' post='1815862']
For whatever reason, I had a forum set to allow global viewing but had the category not viewable by guests, but I was still able to go to the forum if I typed in the URL. It seems this already exists, it's just not mentioned.

It's still accessible via the forum jump in the bottom right of each page.

I just tested again and it wasn't for me. :unsure:


  • Find all posts by member X in this topic
  • Allow members to choose their own order for forum categories (perhaps by drag and drop via a new area of 'Your Settings')
  • Individual 'Post Edit History' for moderators and admins - like on Wikipedia
  • If a member has set their gender to female - use a female silhouette as the default personal picture.

I'll get a screenshot tomorrow, I'm too lazy (and tired.. 3am <_< ) to do it now. (I run a forum for an alliance in a game, so all the areas not accessible by guests are restricted to members only and I'd rather not potentially cause problems.)

Tags +1!

Tie it into other things like blogs, gallery CCS so I can cross search.

I'd like, by default, for user group style formatting to be used globally on the board, including in topics. This is something vBulletin has done for a long time. It's a small, but nice, feature.

I would love the ability to override a usergroup's permissions on a per-forum basis the way you can with vBulletin.
Example: You run a company board, with a "help desk" forum, you want to give members the ability to open/close their own topics in that section, but not across the entire board. At present this cannot be done with IPB3, but it can with vBulletin.

I would also love a "changelog", such that when a member or moderator edits their post after so many minutes the edited-by link would bring up a post comparison option. This would be very useful, if a moderator edits a members post, as you could see what was edited out and compare the versions. It is also useful if a member tries to delete their posts by editing them as you could see what was previously written.

I would like to see the reputation system expanded to include the 'standard' features present in other systems, including the mods for IPB 2.3 and vBulletin:

[*]When giving a member rep, member should be required to enter a reason. [*]Members should be able to list in their profile, the different reps given to them by other members. [*]Require members to rep X number of other members, before being allowed to rep the same member again (useful to prevent someone neg-repping the same person over and over).

Also a few ideas;

Bump feature - to be able to bump topics, group permissions obviously.

Glance feature or Top 5 stats, this would be in the form of a box across the top of the main forum index page show the latest topics and replies

With the Reputation System, I would like links in your profile to show what posts you have given and what posts you have received rep for.

Bulk Mail delay. If you could set that for example to send 20 emails in every 15 minutes. Just like in MyBB.

It would be useful especially if your host limits the number of emails. And if you have a very large forum this could be a problem.

[quote name='OpenWare' date='28 June 2009 - 05:14 AM' timestamp='1246180481' post='1815980']
I would also love a "changelog", such that when a member or moderator edits their post after so many minutes the edited-by link would bring up a post comparison option. This would be very useful, if a moderator edits a members post, as you could see what was edited out and compare the versions. It is also useful if a member tries to delete their posts by editing them as you could see what was previously written.

I gave you a + on that one. I've recommended it myself, where on edit, the pre-edited post would be saved so it can be looked at later if needed, with those pre-edits having an optional life expiration. Would be nice to have a wiki-like comparison done, so that it's easy to see what changes were made.

[quote name='Jamer' date='28 June 2009 - 05:34 AM' timestamp='1246181671' post='1815983']
Glance feature or Top 5 stats, this would be in the form of a box across the top of the main forum index page show the latest topics and replies

I think something like this may be available already, for the sidebar. If not, that's where you'd want it.

[quote name='boon79' date='28 June 2009 - 09:32 AM' timestamp='1246195938' post='1816051']
Bulk Mail delay. If you could set that for example to send 20 emails in every 15 minutes. Just like in MyBB.

It would be useful especially if your host limits the number of emails. And if you have a very large forum this could be a problem.

Since IPB uses a virtual/dynamic cron, the bulk mailer runs based on the amount of user activity on the board. If your board is very active, then just set the number of emails per cycle to like 1. It may still send out more than 20 every 15, but at least would spread it out some. Otherwise, at this point, you'll need a mod. An option to limit the number of emails sent out (as a global setting/restriction for the board) would actually be nice, because then it could be used to prevent an overload, especially on boards that have a high volume of spammers.. Of course, the catch 22 on that is that if the board was trying to prevent spammers, they'd do a better job where it wouldn't be necessary. :lol: But still, would be nice because it could reduce the load on a very busy board.

Also, the ability to change the default number emails per cycle for bulk emails. I don't mean per email (you can already change it at that time), I'm talking about the value placed in there. It's 20 now, but what if I want to restrict it to 10. I don't want to have to change it each time.


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