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IPB Updates?

Guest BryanH

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Can IPS provide any updates on the next release of IP.Board? I'm not asking for a feature list, road map or whatever.

Just curious if the next release is being worked on, and if you're planning another bug fix release or a 2.4?
2.3 was released last June, 9 months ago.


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On Tuesday....

...Not sure which week though :lol:

nah seriously, it's ready when its ready, if you publish deadlines, and miss them you get moaned at, if you dont you get moaned at. But to be quite far, I'm not urgent for an update, it's running nice and stable as it is, and is doing what it's ment to do. Plus with a new major version there is a chance of altering the login system, and i cba to alter any of that on my website :teehee:

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I would much rather wait until the next version is complete, has been properly tested and is considered stable to be used in a production environment than having it rushed and full of bugs when released. A road map would be nice but it's not absolutely necessary. IPB creates top quality products and I'm fine with knowing that the "next version" of IPB will be better than what I have today.

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Personally I would like IPS to focus on version 3 rather than keep doing .1 upgrades. Seems that with every .1 upgrade there's at least a follow up bug fix. Admittedly some of these updates have been easy to install and modified skins haven't required any work, it does get a little tiresome having to do them every month or two particularly if you have a few mods where file edits are required.

It's standard practice not to announce what's being worked on and when to expect it. I don't have a problem with this. IPS have been pretty good in the past with things like the gallery having a public beta period for us to have a play and test it out and make a few suggestions.


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The problem is, 3dWiki, if we don't release bug fix updates we have some customers who get quite irate that we're "ignoring" the bugs. Sure, you could say it will be fixed in 3.0, but let's say that takes 6 months and we could have a bug fix release for the current version out in 20 days, people are not going to like that we made them wait 6 months instead of 20 days, enduring a bug they find to be critical.

What's happening right now is simultaneous development on bug fix releases and 3.0. We've split the code so that they don't interfere with one another.

I have no idea when it will be out. I don't know if it will be in 2 months, or 1 year, any time outside of that or in between. Unfortunately, even if I wanted to release a time frame (and get yelled at both from people that think it's too long, and from people when we invariably miss that random date), I couldn't as I have no idea when that time frame would be.

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In addition to not being able to release a timeline, I can't release a feature set, features we expect to update, features we hope to update, and so on.

This sort of topic comes up time and time again, and the answer is always the same. We do not have an expected release date, nor can we say at this time what we expect to include as part of the final release. When more information is available, it will be released properly.

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