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IPS Support

Guest Dave L

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I had previously posted about my experience with IPS Support and how good I found it. Seems many of you agree.

I have had reason for submitting a ticket again. After reading a few posts on problems various people had with installing the latest 2.2.2 update I thought I would ask IPS Support to do it for me.
Given the release is recent I thought I would be waiting a while. I put the ticket in on Saturday along with all my server/log in details etc. Sunday morning I was surprised to see a reply to my ticket explaining that any mods etc. I may have made could be lost, did I want to continue. Yes please I replied. That was quick.
I went out for a couple of hours and when I got back, 'hey presto' the upgrade was done. On a Sunday too!!

Even better, I didn't lose any skins, I thought I may have to re-install some components (Who's in Chat and FlashChat integration) but no, all was well :thumbsup:

Well done IPS Support Team and a big thank you :)

I knew I made the right choice when buying this software.

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Hey I will post it here, as didn't want to reply and cause another ticket! Just had an email bout my ticket and it will be seen to soon Ticket ID 347897 just to say my Ticket isn't important and I know your busy so ignore mine til backlog is clear :D

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I will say that service has gotten much better over the past few months, especially with the custom services department, though I would like to publicly request custom modification services from Invision once again instead of having to go through a third-party. ;)

In the past I had my doubts about where IPS was heading as the support began lacking but I can clearly see that you guys have worked very hard to streamline things so that support tickets and work is done in a timely fashion and done right the first time. I'm proud to be an IPS customer! :D

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The average response time is a few hours, generally - however our service guidelines state that it can take up to 48 hours for a response. :)

I'll give it 48 hours than. After that I'm gonna be displeased. Honestly anything pass 24 hours is already unacceptable to me unless it's during the weekends.
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Thanks everyone for the positive feedback.

I'll give it 48 hours than. After that I'm gonna be displeased. Honestly anything pass 24 hours is already unacceptable to me unless it's during the weekends.

We strive to answer all tickets in a timely manner. Sometimes, especially directly after new version releases, there will be a slight backlog and tickets may take longer for a resolution. But I can assure you all tickets will be answered as soon as possible.
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I'll give it 48 hours than. After that I'm gonna be displeased. Honestly anything pass 24 hours is already unacceptable to me unless it's during the weekends.

Sorry for the delay. We will unlikely be able to assist you with your army system errors, but a technician will be assisting you with your other issue soon. As 2.2.2 was just released, there is somewhat of a backlog, but you should receive assistance well within the 48 hour mark. Thanks for your patience. :)
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