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my feedback

Guest coolservers

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Ok lets go off my history

3+ years paying customer no problems infact they tried to double bill me not a problem

1 real support ticket open around 265 DAYS ago
3+ tickets of pirated version of IPBfound on websites
2 Tickets of SQL injection that has not been reported that i gave heads up on

I would say im the customer of their dreams

Well i have opened a ticket few days ago
about members that can not login

tech comes back saying we need some info

I have answered back to the ticket asap and now it sits there for over 24 hours and going

I work in IT and i damn know better to not let a ticket sit there I know better to make notes and get back to it

Now before i posted this same message in thier bug section instead of moving it or even deleting it and esending me a message
they said nothing but del my post that i cannot find.

I'm not asking for anything extra but for the tech to go back start something that was not finished.

overall im happy with forums i was even happy dealing with them in tickets from the past !!!

You guys need to focus on support
we do pay yearly for it and your just not delivering and come on now
24-48 hours im past that point but our SLA is max 10 hours and we are a team of 12 for 17,000 users
and if an outage happens my SLA is 4 now im not saying you have to be like that but when someon hits your max 48 hours red lights should go off and say this poor guy is just sitting thier

so now this is the feedback

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  • Management

I'm a certainly sorry you have been waiting over 24 hours for a response time. We are experiencing extremely high ticket volumes on the order of 10 times normal. I am sure tech support will handle your request shortly.

Just a note to everyone: pleaaaaase submit your login information with your original ticket. If you do not the tech support team will move on to tickets with all information and it may take a while to get back to yours.

Ticket volumes are starting to calm down since 2.2.0's release. We hope to have things back to normal in a few more days.

For what it's worth, prior to 2.2.0's release almost daily our tech support team had zero open tickets by the end of the normal business day.

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  • Management

As do I :)

Believe me the tech support guys are working as hard as they can on this and are starting to get the flood under control.

Again, I'm really sorry you are experiencing this delay. I know it's frustrating for you and it is for us as well.

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I recently opened a ticket. It took only a couple of hours for the first replies until they understood my problem better. then after that about 20ish hours for a definite answer.

No problems here, all professionally answered and the high level of support I expected (and always have got)

Keep it up Support!

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Never had a problem with support , but I have noticed on the Beyond forums , that the people who are complaining are people who have done the install themselves and messed it up then want tech to go running instantly to fix their problem, which they caused from not knowing what they are doing!! If you want to practise installing do it on a test board!!

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I think thier tech support needs more training

issue still open

I disagree. When we where new to IPB we used to have to open a lot of tickets... all where answered quickly and professionally. Now on the odd occasion we have opened one... the same thing happens. Support can always be improved of course.... but I don't think they need more training lol... I doubt they would hire a bunch of idiots like some companies do.
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I think thier tech support needs more training

issue still open

I actually tried to find out about employment opportunities with IPS at one point, but I never really heard anything. :)

But anyway overall the support has been good. I remember complaining about it a couple times, but actually it has been good overall for me personally.
Most of my issues I just figure out and don't ask for support on though.
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